In a fit of pride, he loudly beat his chest: - In this house, I am the king!
While his wife was away, the husband invited his friends over to drink. Feeling a little proud, he loudly beat his chest:
- In this house, I am the king!
As soon as he finished speaking, the wife suddenly walked in, and the husband quickly continued:
- And this is... the king's mother!
A boy reading a story saw the word "heaven" mentioned and asked his mother:
- Mom, what does heaven mean?
The mother replied:
- It is a very happy and joyful place.
The boy asked his father again:
- What is heaven, dad?
The father smiled and replied:
- Is the place that everyone dreams of!
Still not understanding, the boy asked his grandmother. She smiled, gently stroked his head, and replied:
- Heaven is when my parents go to work and I go to kindergarten.