Riding right after starting the engine, using oil unscientifically, abusing the front brake... are some bad habits that cause scooters to quickly break down and deteriorate.
Start the engine and go.
Starting the engine and driving away is a habit of many people. However, this is a bad habit, it can cause the scooter to make a rattling or even "rattle" noise. The best way to ride a scooter is to start the engine, accelerate slowly, do not increase the throttle too quickly, then drive away.
Using oil unscientifically
The oil needs to be changed regularly and must be the correct type for the scooter. Using cheap or unsuitable oil will cause the engine to wear out quickly.
Front brake abuse
Many right-handed people often use the right brake when they need to stop in an emergency. However, in reality, using the front brake on a scooter is potentially dangerous and can easily lead to accidents.
Therefore, in case you need to stop the car suddenly, you should prioritize the left brake first, then slowly squeeze both brakes.
Go too slow
Moving at too slow a speed generates a lot of heat, the cooling fan has to run continuously, wasting gas.
Do not clean the fuel float
Some new scooters are equipped with a fuel float with a filter surrounding the fuel intake pipe. If not cleaned regularly, the filter can clog the fuel intake pipe and damage the fuel pump.
Sudden acceleration
Sudden acceleration creates great acceleration, but sudden braking wastes fuel and damages the belt and clutch.
Deflated tire still in use
Scooters are heavier than manual transmission vehicles, so when there is a problem with the tire, many people do not feel it clearly. In case of "under-inflated" tires, it will be difficult to drive and there is a potential risk of accidents.
For wading
The engine of the scooter is placed low, the transmission has a vent hole, so when wading, water can easily penetrate and cause damage. When water enters the clutch assembly, the vehicle stalls even though the engine is still running.
TB (summary)