Diplomatic Academy, Foreign Trade University and many other schools will consider high school transcripts from mid-May, with a total score of 18-24 points for three subjects, along with some conditions.
Diplomatic AcademyThe school plans to enroll 2,200 students this year. The school reserves 70% of its enrollment quota for students from specialized schools, those who have won provincial-level awards or higher, or those who have international certificates. The application period is from May 15 to 5 p.m. on May 25.
With this method, candidates need to have an average score of 8 or higher in 3 out of 5 semesters (except semester II of grade 12).
At the same time, students must have one of the following achievements: winning an encouragement prize for excellent students or national science and technology competitions; winning third prize for excellent students at the provincial level; being a student of a specialized school or a high-quality national key school; having an international certificate such as IELTS 6.0 or higher, HSK4 Chinese certificate from 260 points, Topik 3 Korean, N3 Japanese or a standardized test SAT 1200/1600, ACT 23/36 points or higher.
Foreign Trade UniversityIt is expected to recruit 4,130 students for both the headquarters and two facilities in Ho Chi Minh City and Quang Ninh by 6 methods, including considering academic records. This method applies to candidates participating in the national excellent student and science and technology competitions; winning third prize at the provincial level or higher; and being students of specialized schools.
The academic transcript score is the average score of 5 semesters (except semester II of grade 12) of 3 subjects in the group. The school adds priority points for awards and priority for regions and subjects.
The time to receive transcripts is from May 22 to June 6.
Even if using transcript scores, students must still achieve a minimum of 24 points on the high school graduation exam or higher, according to the admission combination.
Danang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacyrecruited nearly 270 students by reviewing academic records for the majors of nursing, medical laboratory technology, medical imaging technology and rehabilitation technology. Candidates registered from May 20 to June 20.
The admission score is the average score of three subjects in the group for three years, plus priority points. In addition, candidates must meet the threshold to ensure input quality, which is a good grade 12 academic performance or a high school graduation score of 6.5 or higher.
Another medical school isHai Duong Medical Technical UniversityAccepting applications for high school transcripts from May 5th until May 31st.
This year, the school will enroll 700 students, of which 205 will be based on academic records for the majors of nursing, rehabilitation technology, medical laboratory technology, and medical imaging technology. The admission quality assurance threshold is similar to that of Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy.
The admission score is the average of 3 subjects: math, chemistry, biology or math, chemistry, physics in 6 semesters. The calculation formula is as follows:
Admission score = (Total of 18 math, chemistry, biology/physics scores)/6 + Priority points
Hanoi Open UniversityAccepting applications for high school transcripts until June 20. The condition is that the average grade 12 score of each subject in the admission group is not less than 6.
Can Tho UniversityMaximum enrollment of 30% of each major (except for teaching majors) is based on the transcript scores of 5 semesters of 3 subjects in the combination. The application period is from now until June 2.
Candidates must achieve a total score of 18 or higher in 3 subjects. If the combination includes an aptitude subject, the aptitude score must be 5 or higher.
In addition to the above schools, some universities will accept applications for the second round of high school transcripts this May, such as Vietnam Academy of Agriculture (May 15-June 20), University of Transport Technology (May 3-June 15), and Hung Vuong University, Ho Chi Minh City (May 1-May 31).
About 190 universities announced their admissions based on transcripts this year. Some have announced their first round of transcript benchmarks, such as Vietnam Women's Academy, Dai Nam University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH)...
In 2023, of more than half a million university graduates, 30.24% will be admitted based on their high school transcripts, second only to the graduation exam score method (49.5%).
According to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Training, schools that conduct early admissions, including considering academic records, will notify candidates of the results no later than 5 p.m. on July 10. To be recognized as successful, candidates must enter their wishes into the ministry's common system from July 18 to 5 p.m. on July 30.
TB (according to VnExpress)