
Driver sentenced to death for transporting more than 40 kg of drugs

According to VnExpress September 15, 2023 19:00

Nguyen Van Hao, 37, and Cao Kim Phuong, 32, were both sentenced to death more than three years after being caught transporting more than 40 kg of drugs.

On September 15, Hao and Phuong were both convicted by the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City.Transporttransferillegal drugsAccording to the Trial Council, the defendants' actions were especially dangerous, and they transported an especially large amount of drugs for personal gain, so the highest penalty should be applied.

Bị cáo Nguyễn Văn Hảo sau phiên tòa hôm nay. Ảnh: Hồng Hào

Defendant Nguyen Van Hao after today's trial

The indictment determined that Hao met a man named Anh (unknown background) in April 2020 when they used crystal meth together and was hired by this man to transport the "goods".

The delivery will use a code. When the British person delivers the drugs, he will say "I am number 1", then Hao must say "I am number 2". Hao has successfully delivered drugs for the British person 4 times. Because he owed the money 3 times later, Hao asked for it and was transferred an additional 60 million VND.

The fifth time, on the afternoon of August 23, 2020, under Anh's direction, Hao went to Hoc Mon wholesale market to receive the goods, drove to the front of a coffee shop on Hoang Viet Street, Tan Binh District, and delivered it to Phuong.

When Hao put the package on Phuong's motorbike, he was caught red-handed by the police. The evidence confiscated was more than 42 kg of various drugs, including more than 5 kg of ecstasy.

Phuong has two previous convictions for the crime.Tillegal possession of drugs,confessed that around February 2020, after serving his prison sentence, he was hired by Dung (unknown background) to transport drugs. Each time he succeeded, Phuong was paid 3 million VND. On August 23, 2020, Phuong met Hao to receive drugs for Dung and was caught red-handed.

Initially, Phuong admitted to knowing that he was hired to transport drugs, then changed his statement and said he did not know that the goods inside were drugs.

However, the prosecution authorities assessed that the defendant's initial testimony was consistent with Hao's testimony and other evidence; there was sufficient basis to hold the defendant responsible for the amount of drugs used in the crime.

The investigation agency said that some people involved did not know their background or address, so there was no basis for prosecution.

According to VnExpress
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Driver sentenced to death for transporting more than 40 kg of drugs