Hai Duong State Treasury takes digital transformation as a breakthrough, reforming mechanisms and business processes as the foundation.
Hai Duong State Treasury officials actively guide customers to use online public services
On the province's strong digital transformation roadmap as well as the strategy for developing the state treasury system by 2030, Hai Duong State Treasury has proactively improved the quality of human resources, actively applied information technology, and gradually moved towards a digital treasury.
Solid professional
From 2015 to present, Hai Duong State Treasury has undergone 3 reviews and streamlining of its apparatus. Thereby, it has reduced from 10 departments to 5 departments in October 2019. At the district-level State Treasury, professional operation teams have also been eliminated. The streamlining and streamlining of the apparatus at Hai Duong State Treasury is carried out synchronously with administrative procedure reform, perfecting professional processes, and modernizing management technology.
All activities of the Hai Duong State Treasury quickly became routine. By the end of 2022, the unit had successfully completed its political and professional tasks, making an important contribution to the units in the financial sector in effectively implementing the direction and management solutions of the provincial leaders, serving well the socio-economic development tasks of the province.
Regarding revenue management, the unit has proactively coordinated closely with local revenue agencies to quickly concentrate, fully, promptly and accurately account for revenue for all budget levels. Continue to expand revenue coordination with 2 commercial banks, increasing the total number of 48 specialized revenue accounts and 12 payment accounts at 9 commercial banks in the province.
The expenditure control work ensures strict, timely and correct implementation. Actively coordinate with departments, branches, localities and budget-using units to synchronously deploy many positive solutions to contribute to promoting the disbursement of public investment capital; strengthen strict control of regular expenditures from the state budget. In particular, in order to promote the disbursement of public investment capital, contributing to socio-economic development, the unit has disbursed public investment capital on the same working day for legal and valid dossiers, reducing 3 days compared to the direction of the Ministry of Finance.
State budget fund management is carried out entirely on an information technology platform.
To improve the efficiency of its business operations, the Hai Duong State Treasury has actively deployed online public services with 9 administrative procedures at level 4, including 2 procedures in the field of state budget revenue collection and refund, 4 procedures in the field of expenditure control, 3 procedures on opening and using transaction accounts at the treasury. The rate of processing online public services in the whole province reached 99%, helping transaction units to make payments to the treasury anytime, anywhere, conveniently and safely. The time limit for processing documents has been reduced, within no more than 2 days.
Digital transformation is a cross-cutting solution
The first highlight is that the business networks have been connected and integrated into many payment channels of the economy. The management of the state budget fund is carried out entirely on the information technology platform, through multi-dimensional management application programs. The highlight is the smooth operation of the budget and treasury management information system (TABMIS). From there, the stages in the management cycle, from allocation to implementation, payment and budget settlement, are well managed.
Hai Duong State Treasury has effectively operated the connection, sharing almost instantly between the collection agency and coordinated, authorized collection through commercial banks from the budget collection modernization program (TCS). The promotion of non-cash payments has had positive results. The unit no longer has cash transactions, some district-level state treasuries still have cash receipts and payments, but not significantly.
To develop high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of digital transformation, the unit has implemented dozens of programs and plans to train and coach staff of departments, divisions, and affiliated units, focusing on in-depth training on new technologies for civil servants specializing in information technology.
Director of Hai Duong State Treasury Nguyen Huy Hoang
In 2023, Hai Duong State Treasury will focus resources on implementing the state treasury development strategy to 2030; promote digital transformation in business operations and internal management; continue to expand the network of accounts serving state fund collection at commercial banking systems; coordinate with tax, customs and banking sectors to implement budget collection according to revenue identification codes, creating conditions to promote modern collection methods; tighten discipline, discipline, promote the responsibility of unit leaders associated with strengthening inspection and supervision; improve the quality of service for transaction customers.
With the goal of taking information technology as a breakthrough, reforming mechanisms and business processes as the foundation, in which digital transformation is a solution throughout the implementation process, Hai Duong State Treasury strives to operate business areas based on digital data by 2025, completing the digital treasury platform. After 2025, focus on researching and developing services according to the needs of people, businesses and state agencies; by 2030, complete the construction of a digital treasury.
Director of Hai Duong State Treasury