Labor - Employment

South Korea grants grace to illegal Vietnamese workers

PV (Synthesis) December 9, 2024 18:31

The South Korean Ministry of Justice has just decided to extend the amnesty period for foreigners, including many Vietnamese workers residing illegally in South Korea, who voluntarily return home.

Hàn Quốc gia hạn ân xá cho lao động Việt Nam cư trú bất hợp pháp đến hết tháng 1/2025
Grace period extended until January 2025

This policy aims to create more opportunities for many foreigners residing illegally, including Vietnamese workers in Korea, to voluntarily return home, and at the same time solve difficulties in booking air tickets during the year-end and New Year holidays for workers.

Accordingly, the Korean Ministry of Justice decided to extend the voluntary departure period for illegal foreigners until the end of January 2025. Previously, this regulation was applied from September 30 to November 30, 2024. During this time, the Korean Ministry of Justice will continue to coordinate with functional forces to strengthen the search and deportation of illegal foreigners in Korea.

According to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, in recent years, the number of Vietnamese workers in Korea whose contracts have expired and who have not returned home has gradually decreased according to the roadmap agreed upon between the two countries. Especially in the past 2 years, the Korean market has attracted many Vietnamese workers with over 15,000 people leaving the country each year. Currently, the number of Vietnamese workers is at the top among 16 countries sending workers to work in Korea.

Vietnamese workers are working in Korea under four cooperation channels, including: EPS Program (E9 visa); technical workers (E7 visa) with a working period of over 5 years; fishing boat crew (E10 visa); and seasonal workers (C4 and E8 visas). Workers mainly work in manufacturing, shipbuilding, construction, agriculture and fisheries under cooperation programs between the two countries. According to the 2024 plan, Vietnam will send about 15,000 workers to work in Korea.

Currently, Korea is one of the three markets receiving the largest number of Vietnamese workers, along with Japan and Taiwan. This is also one of the labor markets with reasonable departure costs and a good working environment. In recent years, Vietnam has sent an average of 150,000 workers to work abroad each year. There are currently about 650,000 Vietnamese workers working in 40 countries and territories, with more than 30 different occupational groups.

PV (Synthesis)
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South Korea grants grace to illegal Vietnamese workers