
Proposal to clearly distinguish between newspapers and magazines, and add a new model of press agency


In preparation for the review of the draft Law on Press (amended), the Standing Committee of the Culture and Education Committee worked with the Central Committee of the Vietnam Journalists Association.

Vice Chairman of the Committee for Culture and Education Trieu The Hung spoke at the meeting.

Vice Chairman of the Committee Trieu The Hung chaired the meeting.

In 2023, the Committee on Culture and Education conducted a survey on the implementation of policies and laws on the press. On that basis, the committee promptly informed the National Assembly, the Government, and state management agencies on the press of limitations and shortcomings in practice and made proposals and recommendations; including recommendations to amend the 2016 Press Law.

Implementing the recommendations of the Committee on Culture and Education, the Government has directed relevant ministries, branches and agencies to develop a draft Law on Press (amended) and submit it to the National Assembly for inclusion in the Law and Ordinance Development Program for 2025. Accordingly, the draft Law on Press (amended) is expected to be submitted to the National Assembly for comments at the 9th Session (May 2025) and approved at the 10th Session (October 2025).

At the meeting, opinions affirmed the urgency of amending the 2016 Press Law because the development of science, technology, and press practice has changed a lot, from press types, media, platforms, to readers' access to information, leading to many regulations in the current law no longer being suitable; many regulations need to be adjusted and supplemented such as: digital press, press economics, reporter management, permanent offices, etc.

From a number of new issues arising in practice, the representative of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Journalists Association proposed expanding the scope of the Press Law to all press activities and press agency activities on all platforms. Research and supplement new press agency models such as corporations, press-media complexes, press on digital platforms, etc.

Regarding the principles and purposes of press agencies, it is necessary to specify, clearly distinguish and regulate the percentage of information according to the functions and tasks of the governing agency and the percentage of information about political events, major activities of the state... In addition, clearly distinguish newspapers and magazines, magazines serving scientific research, scientific and technological tasks with other magazines, to avoid the situation of newspapers becoming magazines.

It is necessary to clearly define the model of representative offices for unified implementation. In particular, it is necessary to specify the conditions for newspapers and magazines to have a corresponding number of representative offices; add specific conditions on the number of personnel and official contracts with press agencies...

The meeting had many dedicated, responsible, practical opinions with high reference value.

Vice Chairman of the Committee for Culture and Education Trieu The Hung highly appreciated the comments of the Vietnam Journalists Association, saying that these are "dedicated, responsible, practical opinions with high reference value for the drafting agency and the agency reviewing the draft Law on Press (amended). The Committee will study and review during the process of building the review report to ensure objectivity and multi-dimensionality, aiming for a good quality draft Law on Press (amended) to be submitted to the National Assembly".

Vice Chairman Trieu The Hung hopes and requests the Vietnam Journalists Association to continue to accompany, proactively research, and contribute opinions to the draft Press Law (amended), so that when the Law is promulgated and put into practice, it will have a positive impact on press activities. “Issues arising in the practice of implementing the Press Law must be summarized and evaluated; with new policies, it is necessary to conduct impact assessment research, the ultimate goal is to create a favorable corridor for the press to develop in the new context,” Vice Chairman Trieu The Hung emphasized.

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Proposal to clearly distinguish between newspapers and magazines, and add a new model of press agency