Promoting education, talent and building a learning society

May 27, 2021 09:48

The Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Education and Training to promote and effectively implement digital transformation in educational and training institutions; focus on improving the quality of distance learning programs.

Candidates at the exam site of Chau Van Liem High School, Ninh Kieu District (Can Tho)

The Prime Minister has just issued Directive No. 14/CT-TTg on promoting learning and talent promotion and building a learning society in the 2021-2030 period.

During the 2011-2020 period, the work of promoting learning, promoting talents, and building a learning society was actively implemented by the Ministry of Education and Training, together with the Vietnam Association for Promoting Education and other ministries and branches in 63 provinces and cities nationwide.

Under the close and timely direction of local Party committees and authorities, the effective support of organizations and enterprises, the participation and active response of all classes of people, the education sector and all levels of learning promotion associations have promoted the spirit of initiative and creativity, promoted the lifelong learning movement among the people, thereby raising people's awareness of the importance and strategic significance of the policy of building a learning society, promoting lifelong learning for everyone.

Strengthening the application of information technology in teaching and learning activities

To continue improving the quality and effectiveness of education and talent promotion work, and building a learning society, the Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Education and Training to promote and effectively implement digital transformation in educational and training institutions; focus on improving the quality of distance learning programs, building open and mass online courses in higher education institutions; diversifying educational and training content, innovating learning methods, increasing the use of modern means and technologies to support learning, especially social media in organizing activities of continuing education institutions; researching and applying educational management models in the direction of technology approach, school management in the direction of openness, connection, sharing of technology infrastructure, and big data.

In addition, the Ministry of Education and Training researches and develops criteria for evaluating the implementation of building a learning society in localities; reviews and completes regulations on testing and recognizing the results of continuing education; mobilizes management staff and teachers in the education sector to proactively and actively participate in building; exploits and uses open educational resources and participates in activities to promote learning and talent, and build a learning society; researches and innovates effective community learning center models and organizes piloting, completion, and replication nationwide.

Along with that, the Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Education and Training to strengthen its direction and propose practical solutions to improve the rate and quality of illiteracy eradication; focus on illiterate people in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, especially ethnic minority women and girls; promote compulsory training, regular training, and professional standards for teachers and education managers.

The Ministry of Education and Training promotes the connection between formal education and continuing education, the connection between levels of education and training degrees; reviews regulations under its authority or proposes competent authorities to amend, supplement, and replace regulations that do not really create connection between training levels in order to mobilize and create conditions for all types of educational institutions and vocational training institutions to participate in vocational training and participate in teaching general education culture; enhances the application of information technology, new technology and appropriate solutions in teaching and learning activities to proactively adapt to the epidemic situation.

Building a set of criteria to evaluate the learning citizen model

The Vietnam Association for Promoting Education presides over and coordinates with the Ministry of Education and Training, People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities to research, supplement, and perfect criteria for evaluating and recognizing social learning models in the 2021-2030 period in accordance with practical implementation in localities nationwide; research, develop a set of criteria for evaluating the citizen learning model and organize a pilot project for widespread implementation nationwide.

The Association develops and submits to the Prime Minister for promulgation the project "Promoting lifelong learning movement in families, clans, and communities for the period 2021-2030" in the direction of improving the quality of learning models; continuing to consolidate and develop learning promotion organizations in residential communities, in agencies, enterprises, schools, hospitals, research institutes, and in the armed forces, creating a vibrant and widespread emulation movement to promote learning, talent, and lifelong learning throughout the country.


The Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to diversify training methods based on an open, diverse and flexible education model linked to the national qualifications framework and the labor market, meeting the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution; promote on-the-job training, distance learning, and guided self-study to help workers, especially rural workers, people with disabilities, housewives and the elderly, easily access vocational education to improve their vocational skills.

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs builds and replicates vocational training and retraining models for workers in enterprises and companies; vocational training associated with traditional occupations, production, business and vocational training in rural areas, remote areas, ethnic minority and mountainous areas; improves the quality and effectiveness of training, retraining, and fostering to improve the qualifications and skills of workers and laborers; strengthens digital transformation and online training, focusing on retraining and regular training of the labor force.

In addition, the Ministry proactively reviews and closely coordinates with the Ministry of Education and Training in amending, supplementing, and replacing relevant regulations on teaching general education culture in vocational training institutions to create conditions for learners to both learn a trade and have the opportunity to study in a continuous manner to improve their qualifications.

Join the "Global Learning City"

The People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall complete the steering committee for building a learning society in the 2021-2030 period at all levels in a practical and effective manner; direct the implementation of assessment, classification and recognition of learning models in society in a practical and effective manner; proactively register, select and propose affiliated cities to participate in the "Global Learning Cities" network operated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

At the same time, focus on directing the improvement of the operational efficiency of continuing education facilities; review and develop mechanisms and policies to support community learning centers, especially community learning centers in mountainous communes, border areas, islands, remote areas, and areas with large ethnic minority populations.

The Prime Minister noted that localities must have policies to attract and encourage the participation of organizations and individuals in the work of eliminating illiteracy; effectively implement programs and projects to support education for ethnic minorities and mountainous areas after being approved by competent authorities; focus on training knowledge and ethnic minority languages ​​for cadres, civil servants and public employees monitoring ethnic work and work in ethnic minority and mountainous areas; build and develop learning models, training professions, and specific occupations that require lifelong learning, meeting social needs and in line with the planning of each province and centrally-run city by 2030.

According to VNA

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Promoting education, talent and building a learning society