This is a highly trained parrot. If you pull the purple string, it speaks French and if you pull the brown string, it speaks German.
A man wanted to buy a parrot that he loved. When he went to the market, he saw a parrot with a purple string tied to its left leg and a brown string tied to its right leg. He asked the shopkeeper what the strings meant.
- Oh, this is a well-trained parrot. If you pull the purple string, it speaks French and if you pull the brown string, it speaks German, the owner replied.
- Really? What happens if I pull both strings? - asked the curious visitor.
- I fell off my perch, you idiot! - shouted the parrot.
Mother falls for her cunning son
The son excitedly asked his mother: "Mom, give me $5 so I can go to the movies tonight."
- No, I watched a movie last week.
- If you give me money, I will tell you that this afternoon when you were away, a girl came to talk to dad.
- Really? Here, take the five dollars and tell me what they talked about.
- She said: "I'm informing you that today your son refused to study and caused disorder in class."
MULTI (s/t)