At the end of the class, the teacher asked me if I had any brothers or sisters. I said I was an only child.
- Was there anything fun at school today?
- Happy! - the boy replied. Today, our class had a new teacher. At the end of class, the teacher asked me if I had any brothers or sisters. I said I was an only child.
The mother asked again:
- What did the teacher say then?
- The teacher put her hand on her forehead and muttered "Thank God!".
- !!!
Okay, leave it to me!
On the weekend, Teo took his girlfriend to a famous restaurant for dinner but unfortunately there were no tables available.
The girlfriend whined:
- I don't know! I want to eat here today, you do whatever you want.
- Okay, I'll take care of it! - Teo replied firmly.
Thinking for a long time, Teo took out his phone and dialed, then said loudly:
- Hey, come to restaurant X quickly. I saw her eating with some guy.
Immediately, 6 couples stood up to pay the bill and quickly left the restaurant.
BA (st)