
Only in fairy tales...

GIA LONG (st) March 13, 2024 09:00

Urged many times by his family, he mustered up the courage to propose to the village beauty.

- If you want to marry me, just bring me a nine-tusked elephant, a nine-spurred chicken, a nine-red-haired horse, and a hundred-jointed bamboo tomorrow.

- Are you kidding? Those things obviously only exist in fairy tales!

- The story of me agreeing to marry you is just a fairy tale.


Wife tricks husband into entering a contest:

- Honey, will you support me in the photo contest this time?

- Okay, but you should join the radio photo contest to be sure of winning a prize!

Try to eat sticky rice!

A man carrying two large suitcases went to see a circus owner to ask for a job. The owner asked:

- What can you do?

He took a very large stone and threw it into the air, then stuck his head out to catch it. The boss nodded:

- Okay. What about that suitcase? What do you have in it?

- Painkiller please!

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Only in fairy tales...