
Grades 4, 8 and 11 start learning new textbooks

According to VOV September 3, 2023 16:42

Starting from the 2023-2024 school year, grades 4, 8, and 11 will implement the new General Education Program for the first time. The obvious change is that all 3 grades will have an increased number of class periods per week, and the subjects will also change.

This year is the fourth year of implementing the 2018 General Education Program and the second year of high school textbook replacement.

The English lesson of the teacher and students of class 8A1 at Thong Nhat Secondary School, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi was very exciting and full of excitement. This was the first day the 8th graders studied with the new textbooks according to the 2018 General Education Program. Tran Vu Phuong Thao, a student of class 8A1, said: "The way the teachers teach helps us absorb more. The textbooks help us think better, I find them better than the old program."

cac khoi lop 4,8,11 bat dau hoc sach giao khoa moi hinh anh 1

Ms. Tran Hien Anh, Thong Nhat Secondary School also said: "This year is the first year the children have studied the new 8th grade textbook program, but the children have been familiar with the new textbook program since grades 6 and 7, so preparing them for this 8th grade textbook program is not difficult. We have planned the program for the children since summer. After 2 years of the children being familiar with the new textbooks, I see that they are more proactive."

Since 2019, the education sector has been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic while also reforming education. Therefore, achieving remarkable results in the dual goals and dual tasks is a great effort of millions of teachers and students.

This is also the opinion of Ms. La Thi May, Nang Kha Primary School, Na Hang District, Tuyen Quang Province: "The equipment is not timely but that does not stop us. We completely apply the knowledge we have, the new approach and build on the old to develop and use active teaching methods for the children".

With the idea of ​​innovation and creativity, the new textbooks are expected to help students actively study, connect the knowledge and skills taught to apply in real life. At the same time, help teachers innovate teaching methods, to successfully implement the 2018 General Education Program.

According to VOV
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Grades 4, 8 and 11 start learning new textbooks