
Ministry of Health announces 10 latest nutritional tips

VN (according to Health & Life) December 2, 2024 14:37

Eating enough, balanced and varied foods, drinking enough water, reading nutritional information on food labels carefully before using, limiting fried foods... are nutritional advice from the Ministry of Health.

Limiting the use of fried foods, fast foods high in fat, salt, sugar, sugary drinks, alcohol... is one of the 10 latest reasonable nutritional advice until 2030 from the Ministry of Health.

Decision No. 3594/QD-BYT signed by Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, Deputy Minister of Health, promulgating "Ten tips for proper nutrition until 2030" is the basis for units in the health sector to serve the communication and nutrition education work to improve knowledge and proper nutrition practices among the people.

Decision 3594 replaces Decision No. 189/QD-BYT dated January 17, 2013 of the Ministry of Health promulgating "Ten tips for proper nutrition until 2020".

The Ministry of Health's ten recommendations for proper nutrition by 2030 include:

  • Eat enough, balanced and varied foods every day; reasonably combine foods of animal and plant origin.
  • Use micronutrient-rich foods daily; vegetables, tubers, and fruits of different colors. Read the nutritional information on food labels carefully before purchasing and using.
  • Use protein-rich foods wisely; eat fish, poultry and nuts in your daily meals; eat red meat in moderation.
  • Drink enough water every day.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers need to follow a reasonable diet; supplement iron and folic acid or multivitamins as directed.
  • Breastfeed your baby within the first hour after birth, breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months; give your baby appropriate complementary foods and continue breastfeeding until 24 months of age or beyond.
  • Limit fried foods, greasy fast foods, salty foods, sugary foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol.
  • Ensure safety in food selection, processing and preservation.
  • Organize family meals well. Eat enough meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) appropriate to your age, don't eat too much, don't skip meals.
  • Maintain and control a healthy weight; practice an active lifestyle and increase physical activity appropriate to your age and health status.
VN (according to Health & Life)
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Ministry of Health announces 10 latest nutritional tips