
Eating boiled or fried eggs will help the body absorb nutrients better?

VN (according to VTC News) August 19, 2024 11:10

Eggs are usually prepared in two ways: boiled and fried, but not everyone knows how to eat eggs so that the body can best absorb nutrients from them.

Nutritional value of eggs

A chicken egg contains about 7 grams of protein and a large amount of micronutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, choline. In addition, chicken eggs are also rich in B vitamins, vitamins A, E and K, helping to improve immunity, support sleep, and even achieve hair care and eye protection effects.

Trứng chế biến theo các cách khác nhau, khả năng hấp thụ chất dinh dưỡng cũng khác nhau. (Nguồn: Chinatimes)
Eggs prepared in different ways have different nutrient absorption capabilities.

Chicken eggs are a good source of protein for the body, rich in fats such as DHA, lecithin, vitellin, beneficial for the development of the nervous system and body, helping to strengthen the brain and improve memory.

According to the research results, women who regularly eat eggs have 17% higher levels of vitamin D in their blood than women who do not eat eggs. The concentration of lutein - an antioxidant that is beneficial for eye health, helps maintain blood vessel health, vitamin B and vitamin C in the body of people who regularly eat eggs is also relatively high.

Many people worry that eating eggs will increase blood cholesterol, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, according to famous Taiwanese nutritionist Liu Boren, many studies in recent years have dispelled this myth. Research proves that eggs can be part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Eat boiled or fried eggs?

Eggs are a very nutritious food that can be cooked in many different ways. In fact, different ways of eating eggs such as raw eggs, fried eggs, boiled eggs also have different nutrient absorption rates.

Eat raw eggs

Hong TaiXiong - lecturer of nutrition education and communication at National Taiwan University (China) once wrote in the book "Eat smart, healthy, build a beautiful body" that it is very difficult to absorb protein when eating raw eggs, the absorption rate is only from 30 to 50%.

Eat fried eggs

Taiwanese nutritionist Liu Yili once shared on Facebook that the nutrient absorption rate of normally cooked eggs is more than 80%. Studies have also confirmed that the body's absorption and digestion rate for fried eggs is 81%, and for fried eggs is 85%.

Boiled eggs

Mr. Hong Taixiong pointed out that protein decomposed at high temperature is easily absorbed by the human body. Boiled eggs with shells have the highest rate of vitamin retention as well as protein digestion and absorption, almost over 99%. This is the way to eat eggs that he recommends.

VN (according to VTC News)
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Eating boiled or fried eggs will help the body absorb nutrients better?