Trial of "rescue flight" case shows confidence in anti-corruption

July 30, 2023 07:14

The trial of the "rescue flight" case shows that the fight against corruption is becoming more and more drastic and substantial, opening up a determination and belief in preventing and fighting corruption.

The trial of 54 defendants in the “rescue flight” case has ended after 18 days of trial and deliberation. The 54 defendants in the case received appropriate sentences, including 4 life sentences. The subjects who gave and received bribes were tried correctly, for the right crimes, demonstrating the strictness of the law. At the same time, it clearly demonstrated the political determination in the fight against corruption of the Party and State, resolutely removing from the apparatus those who lack moral and ethical qualifications.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, answered the interview.

Reporter: Lawyer, the trial of individuals involved in the rescue flight has attracted the attention and follow-up of public opinion. The individuals who violated the law have been strictly punished. However, some opinions are concerned that during the trial, the Court has ignored the rights and interests of the people and those involved in this rescue flight?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh:The “rescue flight” case has attracted a lot of public attention. There is a lot of attention for the people, the ones who suffered the most damage in this incident, the most specific and direct damage.

In the recent trial, we saw that the case was related to bribery and bribery. Therefore, in those trials, the rights and interests of specific people who paid for those rescue flights were not directly brought up. However, from a legal perspective, this is a fairly clear distinction between criminal trials and civil trials. In criminal trials, we try bribery crimes, which is called that in general. Therefore, the issue of property or material interests related to this crime will be handled according to the criminal procedure. As for the interests and assets of the people, it is a civil procedure, which can be considered in another civil lawsuit, if the interested parties wish.

The people who participated in the "rescue flight" are the ones who suffered the most, especially when they had to spend a large amount of money. However, that does not mean that we can immediately sue or demand our money back. As I said, the court is currently trying a criminal case. The money that businesses gave to people in positions of authority, which has been discovered and verified as bribes, will be handled in accordance with the provisions of criminal law. Except for certain cases such as bribes given without coercion or by self-confession, the rest of the money must basically be confiscated and turned over to the state treasury. That is what the law stipulates.

People giving money to businesses is a civil transaction. They give money to get on a flight, to return to their country. If it can be proven that the civil transaction was forced, or was fraudulent, the victim can completely sue. And the court can judge and prove that there was indeed an element of fraud, deception, or coercion, then it is considered an invalid civil transaction. And the money will be returned to the party that owns it. In short, based on the law, the possibility of suing and reclaiming money is there, not not there. But it is really very difficult.

Reporter: The trial of these 54 defendants was open to the public and the press. The case was tried fairly, objectively and also left many lessons, sir?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh:This incident also raises many stories for us to consider. For example, the licensing of flights must go through 5 ministries. Each ministry must report, and there must be a very long process. That is fertile ground for corruption. In short, through this incident, there will be many things that we may have to adjust, update, and revise. And we can gradually perfect specific proceedings, perfect specific management mechanisms. Most importantly, we have made the trial public and the violators have been considered and handled correctly, for the right crime, and according to the law.

The defendants listen to the verdict (Photo: Trong Phu)

PV: The trial of this case shows that our fight against corruption is still full of difficulties, but we are determined to do it?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh:Yes, this incident has clearly shown that our fight against corruption has no forbidden zones and no exceptions.

All state officials, from low to high positions, both incumbent and non-incumbent, and all sectors, both central and local, involved in the "rescue flight" were brought to trial. Thus, it shows that the scope of the fight against corruption is very broad. Almost unlimited, without exception. This case opens up a great determination and confidence in our fight against corruption.

Reporter: This case has attracted a lot of public attention. Can everyone follow and express their views and opinions?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh:The greatest success of this case is the openness, clarity and wide participation of public opinion and the press. All citizens can comment and give their opinions on this case. Of course, there are many sides to the process of expressing opinions. However, opinions that are offensive, destructive, or defamatory of individuals or agencies without evidence or attribution are considered violations of the law.

PV: It is very good that we express our opinions and views in a constructive spirit. But there are some people who always look at things in a distorted way, then make assumptions and distort them into the nature of the regime?

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh:Any incident can be viewed from many angles. And it depends on the purpose of the person viewing it.

If a person always has bad intentions, then any incident can be viewed according to their own purposes. This is also difficult for us to prevent. However, I remember a saying, whatever is right, we just do it, without fear, what we do is right, done publicly, transparently, that in itself is the most convincing answer to public opinion.

PV: Thank you, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh!

According to VOV

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Trial of "rescue flight" case shows confidence in anti-corruption