
Vietnam joins Japan's dengue vaccine trial

According to Vietnam+ October 12, 2023 15:27

Recently, a Japanese dengue fever vaccine is being tested, and initially it is effective in preventing the disease against all four types of dengue virus.

Viet Nam tham gia thu nghiem vaccine sot xuat huyet cua Nhat Ban hinh anh 1
Patient treatmentdengue feverat Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Hospital, Hanoi

On the morning of October 12, on the sidelines of the Scientific Conference on Research and Application in Medicine organized by the Vietnam Medical Association,Professor Nguyen Van Kinh- Vice President of the Vietnam Medical Association, former Director of the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases, said that Vietnam is one of the countries that will participate in vaccination.dengue vaccine trialof Japan.

According to Professor Kinh, previously, some countries tested and licensed a vaccine to prevent dengue fever, but the effectiveness was not as expected, especially with type 2 virus.dengue viruspopular nowadays.

Recently, a Japanese dengue vaccine is being tested, initially showing effectiveness in preventing the disease against all four types of dengue virus. Vietnam is one of the countries that will participate in testing this vaccine.

This dengue vaccine, which can be given in the same dose to both adults and children, needs to be tested and its health effects carefully evaluated before being widely used in the community.

According to the Ministry of Health, since the beginning of the year, the country has recorded more than 90,000 cases of dengue fever, of which 26 cases have died.

In Hanoi, over the past two months, the number of dengue fever cases has increased sharply, with more than 2,000 to nearly 3,000 patients recorded each week, with 4 deaths.

According to Vietnam+
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Vietnam joins Japan's dengue vaccine trial