Although a new form of land use right certificate (red book) has been issued and people are not required to change the book, according to legal experts, people should still go through the procedure to change the red book for many reasons.
According to Decree 101/2024/ND-CP, cases of reissuance of issued red books include: Land users who need to change the certificate issued before August 1, 2024 to a certificate of land use rights and ownership of assets attached to land;
The issued certificate is stained, blurred, torn, or damaged; the certificate has been issued for many plots of land but is issued separately for each plot of land according to the needs of the land user and in cases of reissuance of the certificate of land use rights and ownership of assets attached to land as prescribed;
The location of the land plot on the issued certificate is incorrect compared to the actual location of land use at the time of issuance of the issued certificate; change of address of the land plot for which the certificate has been issued;
Changing the size of edges, area, and land plot number due to cadastral mapping and cadastral measurement of land plots without changing the land plot boundaries...
In addition, according to Clause 3, Article 256 of the 2024 Land Law, red books issued before August 1, 2024 are still legally valid, not damaged, torn... so people are not required to issue a new one if they do not have the need.
Following that, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued a new red book and pink book form in Circular 10/2024/TT-BTNMT applicable nationwide. Accordingly, the red book has been changed from 4 pages to 2 pages, information on land plot number, land type, duration and origin of use, land plot address previously on page 2 is now put on page 1 and has a printed QR code.
According to legal experts, although it is not mandatory, people who have been issued red books should switch to the new model due to its high security. The new red book model is designed with a QR code to enhance security and safety and add elements of "anti-closed counterfeiting" and "anti-open counterfeiting".
In addition, the new red book form has only 2 pages instead of 4 pages as before. This ensures integrity, avoiding the need to spend time and money to reissue the entire certificate due to the loss of the additional page attached to the book.
The new Red Book is also designed to be more compact to fit the popular printers and scanners currently available at competent authorities, while also making it easier for people to preserve and minimize damage and tearing during storage.
Not only that, the information on the red book only shows basic information about the land user and the owner of the property attached to the land. Other information about the land user or the owner of the property attached to the land, specific information about the land plot will be stored via QR code.
From there, the competent authority will exploit information through QR codes, the National Public Service Portal, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal in each locality where the land is located.