According to experts, the idea that drinking alcohol to disinfect, kill viruses, warm the body or prevent illness in the cold season because of alcohol is completely unscientific.
According to Dr. Doan Du Manh, a member of the Vietnam Vascular Disease Association, the idea that drinking alcohol to disinfect, kill viruses, warm the body or prevent diseases in the cold season because of alcohol is completely unscientific. In fact, alcohol concentrations of 60 - 70 degrees or higher can disinfect surfaces and skin, but this concentration level is extremely dangerous, can cause burns to the digestive tract, palate, more seriously poisoning, liver and kidney failure, and even death. No one drinks alcohol at such high alcohol levels.
When drinking alcohol, people feel hot due to nerve stimulation, creating a temporary feeling of warmth, without increasing body temperature. Alcohol abuse can cause body disorders, loss of control and negative effects on health.
Drinking too much alcohol can lead to high blood pressure, hepatitis, cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, decreased sexual ability and reproductive health. People who are obese, overweight, sedentary, smoke, or have a history of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, or stroke are at high risk. Therefore, when drinking alcohol in cold weather, you need to pay attention to keeping your body warm, avoiding sudden cold exposure, the risk of high blood pressure, stroke...
In addition, flu is a common disease with mild symptoms, patients often recover completely without leaving any sequelae or serious complications. Severe cases of flu need to be closely monitored in the hospital, should not self-treat at home or use alcohol to treat the disease, causing the disease to progress seriously, endangering life.
The way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot every year to boost your immunity. Maintain good personal hygiene, wash your hands often and wear a mask when going out. Avoid crowded places, especially during outbreaks. Maintain a healthy diet, supplementing with essential vitamins and minerals.
Steam your nose and throat with herbs containing essential oils such as lemongrass, ginger, lemon, grapefruit, mint... During the steaming process, if you have difficulty breathing, chest tightness, dizziness or any unusual signs, you should stop immediately.
If symptoms last more than 3 days, you should go to the hospital for a check-up, especially for the elderly, children or those with underlying diseases.
TB (summary)