Authors – Works

Truong Minh Hieu and 'Coi' - a passionate lyrical soul

BELL November 23, 2024 10:17

Since 1979, when he was only thirteen years old, Truong Minh Hieu (from Thai Binh, currently living and working in Hai Phong) was a member of the 'Bup Group Writers', invited to 'train' in the 'Literary Furnace' of the Thai Binh Province Literature and Arts Association.

Cover of the book of poems

As a special student of famous writers such as To Hoai, Pham Ho, Vo Quang, Dinh Hai, Phong Thu... and other writers from Thai Binh, in the first training course for "Children with literary talent" in Thai Binh.

But "Food and clothing are no joke for poets”. Hieu soon realized this, to squeeze poetry into a corner of his heart, he entered life, became a student at Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Then he became a welding engineer and metal technology. Hieu struggled with daily life. Hieu still held a pen, but aimed at newspapers. Focused on "plowing" all kinds of news and articles to print, to earn royalties, contributing more money with his wife to raise two girls. Hieu became a familiar and prestigious author in the Law Newspaper, the Justice Newspaper, the Hai Phong Weekend Newspaper, the Student Newspaper... Hieu had many articles published in central and local newspapers along with selected poetry and prose collections.

Poetry CollectionRoots" by Truong Minh Hieu, just released to readers by the Writers Association Publishing House, is all about feelings, it comes from the cool, clear, and passionate source of a person withcon hearttknight”. Poetry of beauty. Poetry is not tinged with sadness or sorrow. Poetry of the heart always clings to a layer of nature, a layer of cosmic perception. Poetry seems that if there were no world of mist in front of it, then “Not availableta”, none of these sentiments were evident.

For example, when Truong Minh Hieu saw winter coming, his heart ached: "When I returned to the village, the rice fields were still green/ The land was overturned, the canals were still and the water was still/ The shores were desolate, without a trace of people going against the current/ A cold sky in my hand”…

"The shadow of a person walking backwards"and"cold sky in hand"is the subtle and suggestive “look”, “feeling”. Then from the “look” through the scenery, through intuition, Truong Minh Hieu was quite subtle in “hearing, thinking”. Or sometimes it is the subtlety of simultaneous integration, echoing in concentric, co-present vortices. For example, “The beach is sunk because of the rising tide/ The lonely person has forgotten to wait/ The waves out at sea have long since then/ Pushing the sea snail to the shore to find a mate…”.Already: "The heart beats hesitantly/ Half worried to keep, half happy to share/ Indifferently, the hand suddenly lets go/ The snail returns to the sea, a day without you”…(Day without you).

Truong Minh Hieu's poetry takes the natural sense, takes the "look at"make outstanding ability.

Look to approach reality. Look to feel. Look to associate, to think. This way of going is easy to be fresh, easy to expand the tone and stature. Obviously, in the poetry collection "Roots"In no poem does Truong Minh Hieu not rely on his natural senses, not cling to the earth and sky, the sun and rain, the grass and trees, the flowers and leaves to filter and distill his soul. Truong Minh Hieu writes a lot about his homeland, his parents, his wife and children, his hometown... And his natural senses have created a poetic style that the writer always clings to, to create colorful and vivid pictures. Or he finds the beauty in realistic verses, the beauty in associations, thoughts in spiritual evocation. These are verses that have beauty in the surprise, in the deep thoughts, when writing about his mother:“Mother is like a ripe fruit on a distant branch/ Like the last line of a song in the human world/ Waiting until mother is sick and lying down/ Then I come to visit her, all the words seem empty…(Remember to visit mom).

Or a good intuitive poem, when writing about "Father-in-law": "He pulled out a chair, made tea, asked endless questions / Then praised the things I didn't have".Especially the poem written for my child, celebrating his birthday when he turned five years old. Or the poem "Tell me your wedding day"Written to his eldest daughter:"Every day we live, let's do it for each other/ The sun will shine passionately on the leaves...".Already: "The wedding day is just the train station/ Throbbing and trembling to welcome the next journey… “It is sweet that we lived for each other….

One consistency in the poetry collection "Coi" by Truong Minh Hieu is the poetry with the opening style from "Outsideta"lead back"Insideta”.

Female "Outsideta" is the reality of "worldta grandmother”. Is natural sense. Is intuition. And “Realistichsuspicious"It comes from our soul. It comes from sublimation. It comes from the poet's energy of feeling and transformation. The author rarely separates himself by "WayDreligion -hnoisy". But, Truong Minh Hieu also has many solid and good poems when he turns his poetry back to "Realistichsuspicious", back to the place of deep contemplation.

For example:Amidst the vastness of gain and loss/ Dirty in searching/ Wandering around even at the slightest touch/ Are you still you?...(White Coral). Or, this is a poem that is quite concise, complete and has a haunting power in the poetic style of sinking into "Realistichsuspicious". The way of poetry only relies on one's own soul, hidden in silence: ''Silently looking into the distance/ The river is deserted, the sky is cloudless/ The trees are hazy/ Lying in my hand, holding my own hand again…”. Then: “Where did you look, it turned out to be a chicken/There was no one there. Me and no you”(Both sides are not).

Has had poems published in newspapers, some poetry and prose collections since the age of thirteen, twice won awards from literary composition competitions (from 1980 - 1982), with the poetry collection"Root"It seems that Truong Minh Hieu wants to send the message that "The origin, the source" leading to this anchorage all come from the roots, from the foundation, from the deep and long-standing causes and conditions that make up. From the "ORIGIN" of the open wharf, readers have more faith and expectation in Truong Minh Hieu, in the road ahead, in poetry, with bigger and more fragrant harvests.

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Truong Minh Hieu and 'Coi' - a passionate lyrical soul