
China tests world's most powerful electromagnetic gun

According to VTC August 27, 2023 08:08

According to Sputnik, Chinese scientists are testing the world's most powerful electromagnetic gun, which can accelerate a bullet weighing more than 100 kg to a speed of 700 km/h.

Sputniksaid that a group of scientists from the Chinese Naval Engineering University tested the electromagnetic coil gun system (Coilgun), also known as the world's largest Gauss gun. This weapon model creates a magnetic field to propel the bullet instead of using gunpowder like conventional guns.

According to the test report, China's electromagnetic coil gun can shoot a 124 kg bullet from 0 to 700 km/h in just 0.05 seconds. This is also the heaviest electromagnetic bullet model ever tested.

Một mẫu súng điện từ được hải quân Trung Quốc thử nghiệm trên tàu đổ bộ. (Ảnh: SCMP)

A prototype electromagnetic gun tested by the Chinese navy on a landing ship

The group of Chinese scientists did not reveal the exact characteristics of this electromagnetic gun model, but said the weapon could attack targets at a distance of several kilometers.

The electromagnetic bullet is also equipped with sensors protected from electromagnetic radiation, allowing information to be collected about its flight.

Professor Guan Xiaocun, head of the research team, said the new electromagnetic gun model has the potential to create revolutionary breakthroughs in speed, range, power, accuracy, safety, flexibility and reliability that have never been seen before in this weapon system.

Guan also said that this weapon will help the Chinese military change its combat capabilities because it will significantly increase the speed and accuracy of bullets, along with the reliability and safety of each shot. At the same time, he stressed that the experience gained from testing the gun can also be used to launch near-Earth satellites and missiles.

Similar railgun tests were conducted by the US at Sandia National Laboratories in the 2000s with a 120mm caliber electromagnetic mortar prototype, which was said to have fired a 18kg projectile.

According to VTC
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China tests world's most powerful electromagnetic gun