
Another remedy for the "disease" of fear of responsibility

DANG DINH CHIEN June 29, 2024 06:27

Regulation 144-QD/TW of the Politburo on revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period clearly states solutions to treat the "disease" of fear of responsibility.

People do administrative procedures at the Public Administration Service Center of Hai Duong province (illustrative photo)

Symptoms of fear of responsibility are: avoiding and pushing away work; fear of making mistakes, not daring to advise or propose work handling; leaders do not dare to think, do not dare to do, and work half-heartedly.

In fact, in recent times, in the apparatus of the political system, there has been a situation of fear of mistakes, fear of responsibility, fear of risks, leading to officials and civil servants not daring to make decisions, not daring to act, causing frustration in society. This situation occurs in both central and local agencies, causing work to stagnate, affecting the handling of records and work of people and businesses.

Fear of responsibility has become a “disease” among a number of cadres and civil servants. Although the Central Executive Committee and the Politburo have issued directives and the Government has implemented measures to overcome and treat this disease, it has only reduced it somewhat.

This disease has not been eradicated due to both subjective and objective reasons. The main reason is individualism, because of always calculating for personal interests, lacking a sense of responsibility, not daring to face difficulties, not daring to think, not daring to do, not daring to innovate. In particular, the consequences of mistakes in personnel work in previous years have allowed the practice of buying positions and power to occur, causing a number of cadres with low qualifications and capacity to still sit in leadership positions at all levels. These cadres do not have real knowledge, therefore do not dare to be decisive, to make decisions, are afraid of making mistakes, and are afraid of having to take responsibility.

Regulation No. 144-QD/TW dated May 9, 2024 of the Politburo stipulating the revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period is a continuation of our Party's determination in the process of building and rectifying the Party. The 5 ethical standards of this regulation form a unified whole in the criteria for cadres and party members. If any criterion is missing, one cannot be a cadre or party member and is not qualified to be a public servant.

Of the five ethical standards, the third standard "diligence, thrift, integrity, uprightness, impartiality" is the center, governing the other standards. During his lifetime, Uncle Ho considered diligence, thrift, integrity, and impartiality to be the four virtues that shape a person. Only with diligence, thrift, integrity, uprightness, and impartiality will one love the country; one will devote oneself to the revolutionary cause of our Party; and one will put the interests of the nation and people above all else. At the same time, one will always maintain solidarity and unity; one will live with affection, sincerity, love, and mutual assistance; one will uphold the sense of discipline and organization and be exemplary, cultivate, practice, and study throughout one's life. Therefore, one will have a strong political will in the face of all difficulties and challenges. Dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to innovate, dare to face difficulties and challenges, and act for the country and for the people.

It can be affirmed that Regulation 144 of the Politburo is a concrete step to concretize the Party's discipline in training and building a contingent of cadres and party members with sufficient qualities and capacity, ready to face difficulties and challenges, and always striving to act for the common good. This is an effective remedy to cure the root cause of the "disease" of fear of responsibility that exists in the apparatus of the political system, in the contingent of cadres and civil servants. Party committees at all levels need to organize learning, dissemination, have specific action programs, and closely monitor and supervise the implementation of Regulation 144 regularly, fully and effectively.

Every cadre and party member must courageously reflect on themselves to see if they still meet the standards of a cadre or party member. If their hands are dirty and they no longer meet the standards, they should resign. If they still meet the standards or still have minor shortcomings, they should discipline themselves every day, constantly study and practice to improve their qualifications, capacity, and political qualities, and not let material interests, profiteering, corruption, and degradation corrupt them. Thoroughly carry out words and deeds, thoroughly overcome the situation of shirking responsibility, seeking personal interests, and illegal enrichment.

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Another remedy for the "disease" of fear of responsibility