
No wonder you're still single

GIA LONG (st) March 25, 2024 09:00

The guy whispered to his girlfriend:

- Would you like to have dinner with me every weekend?
- Yes, I like it very much - the girlfriend said shyly.
- Then see you at my house at 7pm! I'll go home first and prepare some delicious food!
The girl exclaimed:
- No wonder you're still single...

Make me look in the mirror

A man asked his daughter's boyfriend:
- If you don't drink alcohol or smoke... you can't be my son-in-law.
- Sir, why is that?
- Because my wife will use you as a mirror to make me look at myself all day!

Who is the good person?
The teacher asked the kindergarten students:
- Last week, who was always obedient and listened to what mom said?
- Miss, my dad, my dad! - many arms were raised.

- !!!?

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No wonder you're still single