Vietnamese beef pho ranked 93rd in the list of the world's 100 most delicious dishes in 2025 voted by Taste Atlas.
The culinary website Taste Atlas has just announced the annual 100 Best food 2025 award. In the category of 100 best dishes, Vietnamese beef pho ranked 93rd and was rated 4.44/5 stars.
The results are based on nearly 400,000 votes from thousands of experts, diners, and chefs with more than 11,000 famous dishes from countries around the world.
Taste Atlas experts say beef is the most popular meat to eat with pho. The dish is usually served hot, with onions, fried breadsticks, raw vegetables, and lemon and chili.
The top 1 honor is Lechona, a traditional Colombian whole roasted pig dish, with a total of 4.78 stars. Countries with many representatives appearing in the top 100 include Italy (12 dishes), China (9), Japan (8), Thailand (6).
TB (summary)