Papaya is a fruit rich in nutrients and can prevent free radicals that cause cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Below is the sharing of physician Bui Dac Sang - Hanoi Oriental Medicine Association about the effects of papaya:
The famous explorer Christophe Columbus honored papaya as the “king” of fruits because of its delicious taste, ease of eating and very good medicinal effects. One of the leading compounds of papaya is papain. This is an enzyme that is beneficial for the human digestive system, limiting viruses and disease-causing bacteria. Papaya has the following medicinal uses:
1. Improve digestive health
Many studies have shown that eating papaya is effective in preventing colorectal cancer. The fiber in papaya can "collect" disease-causing toxins in the colon and protect healthy cells from the risk of infection. In addition, papaya also contains nutrients such as folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, which help reduce colon cancer and prevent the attack of free radicals that damage DNA. Therefore, increasing papaya intake is also a very good way to prevent colon cancer for everyone.
2. Anti-inflammatory drugs
Papaya contains two important compounds called papain and chymopapain - two effective protein-digesting enzymes that help reduce inflammation and heal injuries. In addition, papaya also contains a lot of vitamin C, E and beta-carotene, so it has the highest anti-inflammatory effect, so people with asthma and rheumatism are often prescribed these nutrients by doctors.
3. Increase resistance
Vitamin C and A provided by papaya will help the immune system work better, especially in preventing diseases that often appear during the changing seasons such as colds, flu, ear infections...
4. Prevent the risk of macular degeneration
In the American Journal of Ophthalmology (AOO), experts recommend that people eat 3 servings of green vegetables and fruits every day (each serving is equivalent to 1 small bowl), which helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. This fruit contains a lot of vitamins C, A, E, carotenoids, and antioxidants. Papaya can be processed into salads, juices, or eaten directly.
5. Reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis
Vitamin C found in foods, especially papaya, has the effect of protecting the body against the risk of polyarthritis, a form of rheumatoid arthritis. The above conclusion is based on a study of more than 20,000 people using vitamin C in papaya and found that it is very effective in preventing inflammation that causes pain in patients.
6. Enhance lung function
Smokers or those who live in environments with cigarette smoke (passive smoking) should supplement foods rich in vitamin A, including papaya. According to research by experts at the University of Kansas (USA), this is a nutrient that helps prevent lung infections and emphysema caused by carcinogens and benzopyrene compounds in cigarette smoke.
7. Prevent prostate cancer
Regularly eating foods rich in lycopene such as papaya and drinking green tea regularly will have a positive effect on men in reducing prostate cancer.
People who have a habit of eating foods rich in lycopene such as papaya, tomatoes, carrots, dark grapes, watermelon... reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 82% compared to the group of people who do not eat these foods. Therefore, papaya is considered a very good fruit for men.
VN (according to Vietnamnet)