
What kind of flattery?

GIA LONG (st) December 6, 2023 15:00

Two employees talking to each other:

- How to get promoted quickly?
- In my opinion, just flatter your boss. For example, if your boss says he likes watching football, you say you like it too. If your boss likes music, poetry, or chess, you say you like it too. Because bosses often have feelings for people with the same interests.
- Oh! What if the boss says he likes his personal secretary?

Generous at the right time
Two women talking:
- Every time he gets drunk, my husband is very generous. He takes out all the money in his wallet and gives it to me. The only regret is that...
- What else do you regret?
- Because of drinking and partying, his wallet is always empty.

Cook delicious soup
The mother-in-law visited her daughter-in-law and asked:
- Do you know how to cook potato soup? Your husband loves it.
- Yes.
- So how do you cook delicious soup?
- I just need my husband to be really hungry!

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What kind of flattery?