A good man is not only compatible with you but also loving, understands his role and is clean.
Good personal hygiene
Many women find their husband's failure to practice basic hygiene (e.g., bathing daily, brushing teeth) to be a destroyer of attraction and a source of marital discord.
A 2023 University of Nigeria study found that a spouse's personal cleanliness and hygiene can predict marital stability.
Psychologist Dr. Samantha Rodman Whiten (USA) believes that if you are upset with your husband's poor hygiene, but he does not improve, the marriage will deteriorate. On the contrary, if your spouse listens and pays more attention to hygiene, the two of you will become more and more harmonious.
Gender role flexibility
According to Whiten, a good husband believes his wife deserves the same career, success, and other things that they do. He supports and sees that men and women have the same needs and motivations.
On the other hand, if your future partner thinks that women should only stay in the kitchen, get out of the relationship quickly. This attitude often does not go away and also shapes the ideas he conveys to your children or family members.
From the beginning of a relationship or marriage, you can immediately see how your partner spends money. Some couples bond over thrift. It sucks if you always have to pay for your partner and he doesn't spend money to make life better.
Money is a point of conflict in marriage. A landmark 2012 study in the journal Family Relations found that disagreements about finances are a predictor of future divorce. A 2019 survey also found that couples argue about once a week.
Therefore, the husband's attitude towards spending money is very important. A generous man will create harmony in monetary values.
If you are frugal and your husband is generous, you may argue, but not as much as if he were stingy.
Enjoy being with your family and friends
When you get married, your family and friends become your spouse's family and friends. Having a husband who enjoys being around your loved ones is a sign that the marriage will go the distance.
Many men only tolerate their partner's friends and family. If you don't have genuine affection for at least five of the most important people in your life, Dr. Whiten warns, it can get very frustrating over time.
If your husband wants to hide when your mother visits or makes fun of your best friend, it will be a source of unhappiness and shame, often leading to fierce quarrels.
He wants to have children like you.
If you don't want children, you should choose a partner who does. Likewise, if you want children, the man you marry should do the same.
When women want children and their husbands do not, wives often think they will gradually change his mind or expect change on their own. When this does not happen, they are likely to feel cheated, and husbands feel betrayed and blinded.
Let's share the basic love language
As defined by marriage counselor Gary Chapman, PhD, love languages refer to the very general ways that romantic couples receive and express love, divided into five categories: words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.
A good husband is someone who shares your love language. For example, if you like to express your love verbally, your husband will do this often. If you like to serve, your husband will cook dinner when you are tired.
Of course, having different love languages doesn't make your relationship a failure. However, the two of you should complement each other.
Expressing emotions in words
Communication is one of the most important parts of a healthy relationship or marriage. Many men are not open or vulnerable due to many factors, including social pressure and gender stereotypes.
In fact, one survey found that nearly a third of men feel pressured to be “manly,” 38% don’t talk about their feelings with others, and 30% have never cried or shown emotion in front of others.
According to Dr. Whiten, studies have determined that men experience emotions at the same rate as women. But when men avoid those emotions, it can cause mental health problems.
He gets along with you
There are several factors that create harmony between two people in love, including empathy, synchronicity, instinctive communication, and sexual attraction.
Compatibility is more than physical intimacy. He will be the ideal husband if he shares your core values, respects your opinions, and wants you to be truly happy. You can also talk about anything without feeling shy.
TH (according to VnExpress)