The documents of the 13th National Party Congress more clearly define the role, position, functions, tasks and powers of state agencies in exercising legislative, executive and judicial powers.
>>> Lesson 10: Foreign affairs and international integration
>>> Lesson 9: Ensuring national defense and security
>>> Lesson 8: Environmental protection, climate change adaptation
>>> Lesson 7: Cultural, social and human development
>>> Lesson 6: Development of education and training, science and technology
>>> Lesson 5: Economic development in the 5-year period 2021-2025
>>> Lesson 4: Forecast of the situation, viewpoints and orientations for national development in the 10 years 2021-2030
>>> Article 3: Summary of the implementation of Resolution of the 12th Congress and the innovation process
>>> Lesson 2: Approach
>>> Part 1: Vision and theme of the 13th Congress
In the coming time, the activities of the National Assembly will be innovated towards increasing professionalism and improving quality.
Promote decentralization and delegation of authority
The 13th National Congress continued to determine the building and perfecting of the Vietnamese socialist rule-of-law state, adding many new points compared to before.
Firstly, in terms of policy, the Party's documents this time emphasize continuing to build and perfect the Vietnamese socialist rule-of-law State of the people, by the people, for the people, led by the Party as the central task of renewing the political system. Improving the capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of the State's operations. In the new conditions, more clearly defining the role, position, functions, tasks and powers of State agencies in exercising legislative, executive and judicial powers on the basis of the principles of the rule of law, ensuring that State power is unified, with clear division of labor, close coordination and enhanced control of State power. Continuing to build a socialist rule-of-law State that is constructive, development-oriented, honest and active; more clearly defining the role, position, functions, tasks and powers of State agencies. Taking the legitimate and legal rights and interests of the people and businesses as the focus to promote innovation, ensuring the requirements of rapid and sustainable development. Building a complete, timely, synchronous, unified, feasible, public, transparent and stable legal system. Speeding up the promulgation of laws directly implementing the 2013 Constitution.
Second, regarding the National Assembly, compared to the 12th Congress Document, the 13th Congress Document emphasizes: Continuing to innovate the organization and operation of the National Assembly, increasing professionalism, improving the quality and efficiency of operations, promoting democracy in the organization and operation of the National Assembly, in performing the legislative function, deciding on important issues of the country and providing supreme supervision. Ensuring that the National Assembly is truly the highest representative body of the people, the highest state power body. Emphasizing continuing to innovate and improve the quality of the legislative process, focusing on building and perfecting the socialist-oriented market economic institution; respecting, ensuring and protecting human rights and citizens' rights; perfecting the mechanism for protecting the Constitution, the mechanism for supervising, voting and voting on those elected or approved by the National Assembly and People's Councils. Ensuring standards, structure, improving the quality of National Assembly deputies, reasonably increasing the number of full-time deputies; reduce the number of representatives working in executive and judicial agencies.
Third, regarding the Government, the documents of the 13th National Congress clearly state: Continue to innovate the organization and operation of the Government towards streamlining, effectiveness and efficiency on the basis of rationally organizing multi-sectoral and multi-field ministries; fully promote the position, role, functions, tasks and powers of the Government as the highest state administrative agency, exercising executive power, focusing on macro-management, building institutions, strategies, planning and plans; enhance the capacity to forecast, analyze and propose policies in the conditions of a socialist-oriented market economy. In the new conditions: "The State manages and operates the economy by law, strategy, planning, plans and regulatory tools based on market rules. Strengthen supervision, proactively regulate, reduce negative impacts of the market, do not interfere to distort market relations" and "Promote decentralization, clearly define responsibilities between the Government and ministries and branches; between the Government, ministries and branches and local authorities, ... to ensure unified state management". Promote the proactive, creative role and sense of responsibility of each level and each branch; thoroughly overcome overlapping functions, tasks and powers; continue to arrange and reorganize public service units in a streamlined manner, ensuring quality and effective operation. Improve the quality of public services.
Summary of the urban government pilot
Fourthly, regarding the judiciary, the XIII Congress Document emphasizes the need to continue building a professional, modern, fair, strict, honest, serving-the-Fatherland, and serving-the-people Vietnamese judiciary. Judicial activities must have the responsibility of protecting justice, protecting human rights, citizens' rights, protecting the socialist regime, protecting the interests of the State, and the legitimate and legal rights and interests of organizations and individuals. Add the content: "Research and promulgate the Strategy for building and perfecting the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam until 2030, with a vision to 2045, including the Strategy for law and judicial reform". Continue to innovate the organization, improve the quality, effectiveness, efficiency and prestige of the People's Court, the People's Procuracy, the investigation agency, the enforcement agency and the agencies and organizations participating in the judicial proceedings; Prevent and effectively combat criminal activities and law violations; promptly and legally resolve all types of disputes and complaints according to the law. Enhance access to law for people and businesses.
Fifth, regarding local government, compared to the 12th Congress Document, the 13th Congress supplements and clarifies the following: Continue to perfect the organization of local government in accordance with rural, urban, island areas, special administrative and economic units according to the law; implement and summarize the pilot urban government to build and operate urban government governance models in a streamlined, effective and efficient manner. Reform the decentralization of the state budget in the direction of clearly distinguishing the central budget and local budget, ensuring the leading role of the central budget, enhancing the initiative and autonomy of local budgets.
Sixth, on building a contingent of cadres and civil servants, compared to the 12th Congress, the 13th Congress added: Focus on building a contingent of cadres and civil servants with sufficient qualities and capacity to serve the people and the development of the country, with a mechanism for selecting, training, attracting, and promoting talents, encouraging and protecting cadres who dare to think, dare to do, dare to make breakthroughs, and dare to take responsibility for the common good. Strengthen discipline and order along with reforming salaries, regimes, policies, and benefits, creating a working environment and conditions to promote innovation and creativity, serving development. Propose requirements and mechanisms for screening and promptly replacing those who do not fulfill their tasks, violate the law, discipline, public ethics, and professional ethics, and no longer have prestige among the people.
Promote the development of e-government, enhance connectivity and regular information exchange between governments at all levels, between governments and people and businesses. Focus on drastic direction, invest resources and conditions reasonably to carry out tasks to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement, inspection, examination, and handling of law violations; reform administrative procedures; improve the organization, reasonably reduce focal points, eliminate intermediate levels, and streamline the payroll. Closely link law making with law enforcement.
Lesson 13: Party building in the 2021-2025 period