The third supermoon of the year will appear at around 6:26 p.m. on October 17 (Vietnam time).
If you missed the supermoon on the Mid-Autumn Festival night last September, you don't have to wait too long as the supermoon is coming back on October 17.
According to Sky at Night, there will be 4 supermoons in 2024. The supermoon on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the second supermoon this year. The next supermoon, although not as big as the September Moon, is enough to please astronomy enthusiasts in Vietnam.
In Vietnam, the next supermoon will appear at around 6:26 p.m. on October 17. The other will take place on November 15.
According to NASA, moonrise is the best time to observe the size of a supermoon. When the moon is close to the horizon, foreground objects such as trees and rocks can give a clear sense of size. As a result, the moon appears largest at this time.
The name supermoon comes from the fact that the Moon moves around the Earth in an orbit that is not quite circular, so there is a point in its orbit that is closest to the Earth (perigee) as well as a point that is farthest away. The Moon is usually about 384,000km from Earth but is closer than 23,000km when it is at perigee. When the Moon is closer to the Earth than usual, it appears at its biggest and brightest, hence the name supermoon.
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