Nam Sach district has implemented the classification of organic components for composting in rural areas and Nam Sach town area.
According to the report of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Nam Sach is a pioneer and effectively implements the source classification model with centralized organic waste composting according to the Project "Solid waste treatment in the province for the period 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030".
Nam Sach district has implemented waste sorting at source in all 15 communes and towns. The locality has invested in synchronous infrastructure to serve the sorting activities, including 44 organic waste composting cells with 120 compartments and 21 collection and transfer points for inorganic waste, with a total construction cost of 11.3 billion VND.
Nam Sach district has also implemented the classification of organic components for composting in rural areas and urban areas, namely Nam Sach town. The rate of households classifying waste and composting at home has reached more than 33% of households in rural areas, the rest composting in a centralized manner. After classification, organic waste accounts for 52.6%, recycled and reused waste accounts for 7.2%, inorganic waste and other types account for 40.2%.
According to the assessment of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the above model is suitable for rural areas. Through implementation, people's awareness of classifying household waste has been significantly improved; the amount of waste to be treated has decreased, reducing the cost of transporting and treating waste to the factory; reducing the land area used for household waste landfills. At the same time, local pollution and waste burning at landfills have been resolved.