The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced a hotline number to receive information about acts of harassment and annoyance to people and businesses.
Phone number for information during business hours: 024.38621002.
Email address:
The Ministry of Education and Training has issued a decision to publicize a hotline and email box to receive information about acts of harassment and annoyance to people and businesses for units performing the state management functions of the ministry.
According to the decision, to implement Directive No. 10/CT-TTg dated April 22, 2019 of the Prime Minister on strengthening the handling and effective prevention of harassment and inconvenience to people and businesses in handling work, the Ministry of Education and Training publicly announced a hotline and email to receive information.
Feedback and recommendations from organizations and individuals to the Ministry of Education and Training related to the functions and tasks of departments, bureaus, inspectorates, and offices are sent to the email boxes of units under the ministry for handling according to their authority.
TB (summary)