
Back pain and leg pain can also be signs of spinal cord tumor.

TN (Synthesis) April 4, 2024 11:15

Spinal cord tumors have quite discreet onset symptoms and progress slowly with very vague manifestations, easily confused with degenerative diseases and herniated discs.

Thăm khám cho bệnh nhân tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa Phú Thọ - Ảnh: BVCC
Visiting patients at Phu Tho General Hospital - Photo: BVCC

One month before being admitted to the hospital, patient TQA (19 years old, Phu Tho) had fatigue, weakness and numbness in both legs. Due to the nature of his job, which required a lot of walking, the young man subjectively thought the pain was normal.

After half a month, the condition worsened. The patient went to the doctor and took medicine, but the disease did not improve and both legs were completely paralyzed, losing all movement and sensation.

The patient was admitted to Phu Tho General Hospital with paralysis of both legs and pain in the thoracic spine. MRI results showed that the patient had a spinal cord tumor in the thoracic vertebrae T6-T8. The extradural tumor was compressing the spinal cord. Therefore, emergency surgery was required to remove the tumor and relieve the spinal cord compression.

Phim chụp u tủy của bệnh nhân trước và sau phẫu thuật - Ảnh: BVCC
X-ray of patient's spinal tumor before and after surgery - Photo: BVCC

Dr. Vi Truong Son, head of the Department of Spinal Surgery, Phu Tho General Hospital, said that after 2 hours of surgery using the method of cutting the posterior arch of the T6, T7, T8 vertebrae and removing the tumor to relieve spinal cord compression, the surgical result was a benign nerve root sheath tumor.

Five days after surgery, with a combination of physical therapy and rehabilitation, the patient's health stabilized. Both legs regained sensation and movement (walking with the help of tools) and he was discharged home.

Dr. Vi Truong Son recommends: When experiencing symptoms such as back pain, weak limbs, and numbness in the limbs, you should immediately go to a medical facility to be examined by a neurologist and receive timely treatment to avoid serious consequences.

Doctor Le Trieu Linh, Bai Chay Hospital, Quang Ninh, said: Spinal cord tumors are tumors located in the spinal canal, compressing the spinal canal. Spinal cord tumors can appear in any position of the spinal canal (spinal cord, nerve roots, cervical spine, lumbar spine, thoracic spine, etc.).

Spinal cord tumors have quite discreet onset symptoms and progress slowly with the manifestations of early stage spinal cord tumors being very vague, patients can easily mistake it for herniated disc. If not detected and treated early, the disease will cause paralysis and difficulty in recovery.

In fact, there are many cases of misdiagnosis. Because the symptoms of both diseases are pain, muscle stiffness and nerve root compression...

The only distinguishing feature is the presence of motor disturbances and failure to respond to conventional medical treatment.

Associate Professor, Dr. Ha Kim Trung, former deputy director of E Hospital, warned that pain and movement disorders or sensory disorders (numbness, weakness in limbs) are the first signs of intramedullary tumors, but people often ignore them when they are still mild. When they are in severe pain or paralyzed and unable to move, they go to the doctor, and the disease is already in a late stage and very difficult to recover from.

Furthermore, failure to diagnose and incorrect treatment of spinal cord tumors is not uncommon. The cause of pain in spinal cord tumors is easily confused with nerve root pain due to other causes such as polyradiculoneuritis; sciatica neuritis due to disc herniation or tuberculosis, spinal degeneration; intercostal neuritis, etc.

Careful clinical examination and correct diagnosis are needed to find the disease.

Bệnh nhân tập đi sau phẫu thuật - Ảnh: BVCC
Patient learns to walk after surgery - Photo: BVCC

Associate Professor Ha Kim Trung said that spinal cord tumors located inside the spinal canal, when compressing the spinal cord, will reduce function and seriously threaten the patient's ability to move. Spinal cord tumors can form in any component of the structure of the spinal cord and spine: cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine...

It can be a primary tumor, forming and developing spontaneously in one location in the spine, spinal cord or due to metastasis from other places such as breast cancer, lung cancer...

Common symptoms of spinal tumors are neck or back pain, depending on the location of the tumor. The pain often occurs at night, when the patient is resting, and is worse with activity.

Symptoms of spinal cord tumors vary widely and depend largely on the location of the tumor. Cervical spinal cord tumors can cause weakness in the upper limbs or, more seriously, paralysis of the limbs. Thoracic and lumbar spinal cord tumors can cause weakness, numbness, and loss of sensation in the limbs or chest area.

Most intraspinal tumors have a rather subtle onset of symptoms and progress slowly, making them easily overlooked in the early stages. Because most benign tumors in the spinal canal develop slowly in the early stages, this period often lasts quite a long time, sometimes up to several years or longer.

Pain and movement disorders or sensory disorders (numbness, weakness in limbs) are the first signs of the disease, but people often ignore them when they are still mild. When the pain is severe or they are paralyzed and cannot move, they go to the doctor, but the disease is already in a late stage and very difficult to recover.

Microscopic surgical treatment of intramedullary tumors has been applied at specialized facilities with good results. Because the tumor has a low malignancy, if diagnosed early and operated on promptly, after surgery, the patient's clinical condition will stop at the same level as before surgery or better (more than 80%), the risk of recurrence is low and the life expectancy is almost like that of a normal person.

TN (Synthesis)
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Back pain and leg pain can also be signs of spinal cord tumor.