The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development requested localities from Quang Ninh to Binh Thuan to closely monitor the developments of storm No. 9 (storm Man-yi) and strictly manage vessels going out to sea.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 1:00 p.m. on November 18, the center of storm No. 9 was located at about 18.3 degrees north latitude, 117.2 degrees east longitude, in the eastern sea of the North East Sea, about 550 km east-northeast of Hoang Sa archipelago. The strongest wind near the center of the storm is level 11 (103-117 km/h), gusting to level 14. Moving west-northwest, speed about 20 km/h.
To proactively respond to the storm's developments, on November 18, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development issued Official Dispatch No. 8736/CD-BNN-DD requesting ministries, branches, and Chairmen of People's Committees of coastal provinces and cities from Quang Ninh to Binh Thuan to closely monitor the storm's developments; strictly manage means of transport going out to sea; organize counting and notify owners of means of transport, captains of ships and boats operating at sea of the location, direction of movement and developments of the storm to proactively avoid, escape, not move into dangerous areas or return to safe shelters.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the dangerous area in the next 24 hours is from latitude 17-21 degrees north, east of longitude 112.5 degrees east; in the next 48 hours is from latitude 17-21 degrees north, from longitude 109.5-116 degrees east (dangerous area is adjusted in forecast bulletins).
The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development requested that localities prepare forces and means for rescue when requested.
To proactively prevent and respond promptly and effectively, Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam News Agency, the coastal information station system and mass media agencies from central to local levels have increased measures to inform authorities at all levels and owners of vehicles operating at sea about the storm's developments.
Ministries and sectors, according to their functions, state management tasks and assigned tasks, proactively direct and coordinate with localities to respond to storm developments. Localities are on duty seriously (24/24h), regularly reporting to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (through the Department of Dyke Management and Disaster Prevention and Control).
VN (synthesis)