Cam Giang district (Hai Duong) strives to achieve advanced new rural district status in 2024.
According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Cam Giang, by the end of March, the entire district had achieved 268 out of 285 criteria of an advanced new rural commune, an average of 17.86 criteria/commune. Cam Giang has achieved 5 out of 9 criteria in building an advanced new rural district. These are the criteria: planning; irrigation and disaster prevention; electricity; economy; security, order, public administration. The 4 criteria that have not been achieved are transportation, culture-health-education, environment, and quality of living environment.
Cam Giang strives to achieve the status of an advanced new rural district this year. Therefore, in addition to all 15 communes meeting the standards of an advanced new rural commune, in the coming time, the district will continue to upgrade and expand district roads, ensuring full traffic safety items. At the same time, the education component criteria will be completed by building 3 high schools that meet level 2 standards. The district will focus on classifying waste at source, building a model for treating surface water in ponds and lakes, etc.