According to Binh Giang District Medical Center, there is currently a dengue fever outbreak in Binh An village, Tan Viet commune with 3 patients all from the same family.
Previously, the patients had symptoms of high fever and headache, and bought medicine to treat themselves but did not get better. After that, these cases went to the Binh Giang District Medical Center for examination, and after examination and testing, the results were positive for dengue fever. Previously, on July 3, in My Trach village, Binh Minh commune, there was also an outbreak of dengue fever (2 patients were mother and child).
On July 18, the People's Committee of Binh Giang district requested departments, branches, organizations, and People's Committees of communes and towns to strengthen the prevention of dengue fever. The District Health Center has strengthened inspection and closely monitored the epidemic situation to promptly detect cases of the disease, focusing on areas with outbreaks and at risk of outbreaks. Strengthen monitoring of dengue fever patients being treated in hospital to promptly detect, treat or transfer severe dengue fever cases.
Instruct commune and town health stations to carry out environmental sanitation, mosquito larvae eradication and maintain once a week in high-risk areas, twice a week in areas with high mosquito and mosquito larvae indexes and once a month in the remaining areas. Strengthen and maintain the operation of the "dengue fever treatment group" and the "dengue fever prevention hotline" at medical examination and treatment facilities to regularly consult, exchange information on expertise, and request support when necessary.
The People's Committees of Tan Viet and Binh Minh communes focused on zoning and urgently implementing measures to promptly and thoroughly suppress dengue fever according to the instructions of the District Health Center, not allowing the disease to spread.