According to Circular 18, which takes effect on May 5, individuals and organizations that violate the law will be forced to execute the penalty decision after the deadline and will be charged additional daily interest on the total unpaid amount.
The Ministry of Finance has issued Circular No. 18/2023/TT-BTC regulating the procedures for collecting and paying fines, offsetting the difference in fines, fine receipts and funds from the State budget to ensure the operation of forces handling administrative violations (Circular 18), which includes many new points that violators, especially in the field of road traffic, need to pay attention to.
Accordingly, Circular 18 takes effect on May 5, 2023. Any individual or organization that violates the law will be forced to execute the penalty decision when the deadline is over and for each day of late payment, an additional 0.05%/day will be charged on the total unpaid amount.
The number of days of late payment includes holidays and days off according to the regime and is calculated from the day following the last day of the penalty payment deadline to the day before the payment date to the State budget.
Drivers who commit administrative violations in the field of traffic and are late in paying fines will be charged an additional 0.05%/day, applied from May 5.
Regarding the form of fine collection and payment, Circular 18/2023/TT-BTC stipulates that in case of direct payment in cash, the payment date is the date when the State Treasury, or commercial bank, public postal service provider, or competent person collects the fine according to regulations.
In case of paying fines by bank transfer, the payment date is the date the fine payer receives the notification of successful payment of the fine.
Regarding the collection and payment procedures, Circular 18 provides guidance that the collection of fines must be based on the penalty decision of the competent authority as prescribed. When paying directly at the State Treasury or a commercial bank, individuals and organizations must present the penalty decision and pay the correct amount and within the time limit stated in the penalty decision.
In case of transfer, the information must include the content of the fine payment, the decision number and date of the penalty decision, and the name of the agency of the person with the authority to issue the penalty decision.
The person directly collecting the fine must make a list according to the form and submit the entire amount to the State Treasury as prescribed. The person being fined must present or send the receipts and submissions to receive back the temporarily held documents.
In addition, Circular 18/2023/TT-BTC also stipulates that late payment of administrative fines will not be calculated while the penalty decision is still in the period of suspension; during the consideration period, the decision to exempt or reduce the remaining amount or allow multiple payment of fines must be made. In case of paying fines by bank transfer, the penalty decision and the number of days of late payment must be based on the calculation and payment.
Circular No. 18/2023/TT-BTC takes effect from May 5, 2023, replacing Circular No. 152/2013/TT-BTC dated October 31, 2013 regulating procedures for collecting and paying fines, fine receipts and funds from the State budget to ensure the operation of forces handling administrative violations and Circular No. 105/2014/TT-BTC dated August 7, 2014 amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 153/2013/TT-BTC.
According to Vietnamnet