Science - Technology

China launches commercial rocket carrying two new satellites into orbit

According to Vietnam+ December 5, 2023 18:10

The CERES-1 Y9 commercial rocket was launched at 7:33 a.m. on December 5 (Beijing time) from the launch site. The CERES-1 Y9 rocket launch was the 11th flight mission using the CERES-1 series rockets.

Tên lửa thương mại CERES-1 Y9.(Nguồn: China Daily)
CERES-1 Y9 commercial rocket

On December 5, China successfully launched the CERES-1 Y9 rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwest of the country, putting two new satellites, Tianyan-16 and Xingchi-1-A, into planned orbits.

The commercial rocket CERES-1 Y9 was launched at 7:33 a.m. on December 5 (Beijing time) from the launch site.

The launch was the 11th mission using the CERES-1 series of rockets.

According to Vietnam+
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China launches commercial rocket carrying two new satellites into orbit