
Strange symptoms of diabetes appear in the feet, do you know?

TH (according to VOV) March 24, 2024 22:15

A strange symptom in the feet can be easily overlooked but signals a serious health condition caused by diabetes.

trieu chung ky la cua benh tieu duong xuat hien o chan, ban co biet hinh anh 1
New estimates suggest that around 250,000 middle-aged people have type 2 diabetes and don't know it.

Diabetes is a serious health condition that comes in two types called type 1 and type 2.

Although the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, type 2 diabetes is often linked to factors such as being overweight and not exercising. But it can also run in families.

There is currently no cure for diabetes, but there are treatments that can help ease symptoms and control the disease, so it is important to be aware of any early warning signs of the condition.

In fact, you may not have full-blown diabetes, but rather prediabetes, where your blood sugar levels are higher than normal. This means you are on track to develop type 2 diabetes.

Some of the most commonly known symptoms of diabetes are feeling thirsty and urinating frequently.

But there are some unusual warning signs that appear in the most unexpected places.

Dr Paul Ettlinger at the London General Practice (UK), said that hair loss on the legs (usually on the lower legs) can be a symptom of diabetes.

“Signs to look out for include tingling and numbness in the feet, hair loss on the lower legs (due to poor blood supply), blisters on the skin, ulcers, and cramps in the calves. Any of these symptoms indicate that you may have diabetes,” explains the doctor.

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Medical News Today agrees with Dr. Paul, confirming that diabetes can cause hair loss on the legs. Over time, diabetes-related blood vessel damage leads to peripheral artery disease (PAD). This is caused by a type of fatty deposit called plaque that builds up in the blood vessels inside the legs, blocking blood flow and thus affecting hair growth.

In addition, Mr. Paul Ettlinger also pointed out some other unusual signs of diabetes to be wary of, such as toes that are numb, burning or painfully prickling. High blood sugar also causes you to lose sensitivity in your feet - from the tips of your toes to your heels.

The UK government's National Health Service (NHS) lists the basic symptoms of diabetes as follows:

  • Frequent urination
  • Always feel thirsty
  • Feeling very tired
  • Weight loss
  • Itching around private area
  • Cuts or wounds take longer to heal
  • Blurred vision

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should see a doctor.

TH (according to VOV)
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Strange symptoms of diabetes appear in the feet, do you know?