
Super flattering

DANG DUC (st) March 18, 2024 09:00

The director and assistant have sons the same age and in the same class.

One day, the director unexpectedly invited his assistant to his house to check on his two sons who were studying in a group. Both of them were hugging their books and sleeping on the floor. Seeing the director was upset, the assistant said:

- Look, your child goes to sleep with a book in his hand, and my son, I know, as soon as he holds a book, he falls asleep...


In the excitement of explaining the properties of metals, the captain of the chemical department asked a soldier:

- If I put this gold ring in a pot of acid, will it melt, comrade?

- Definitely not!

- On what basis do you assert that?

- Yes, because if it melted, the boss wouldn't put it in the acid pot.

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Super flattering