The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced the 2024 High School Graduation Exam Regulations (amended and supplemented). In it, the ministry outlines a number of new points regarding exam questions, exam security, and items that candidates are not allowed to bring into the exam room.
Clearly define the exam subjects and exam directions
The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) clearly defines the subjects in the exam regulations to make it easier for candidates to register. To ensure priority for candidates and avoid confusion during the exam registration process, exam registration units are responsible for looking up information from the national population database to confirm priority based on place of residence for candidates; candidates are required to keep their account and password information confidential.
The 2024 high school graduation exam and the stable exam method. According to the exam regulations, the exam has 5 tests including literature, math, foreign language, natural science (including physics, chemistry, biology) and social science (including history, geography, civics).
Candidates who are 12th graders must take 4 exams to graduate from high school, including: literature, math, foreign language, natural science or social science (choose 1 of 2 combined exams). Candidates studying the regular education program must take 3 exams including math, literature and 1 of 2 combined exams. However, candidates cannot choose both combined exams at the same time.
Candidates studying a regular education program can register for an additional foreign language exam if they want to use the results for university admission.
The exam questions for the 2024 high school graduation exam will be based on the high school curriculum, mainly grade 12 and will include some questions from grade 11 knowledge.
The exam is built according to the matrix of the Ministry of Education and Training, including 4 levels: Recognition, understanding, application and high application. The content will mainly be at the levels of recognition, understanding and application. The questions at the high application level account for a sufficient proportion to differentiate.
Independent candidates who have graduated from high school can choose to register for combined exams or component subjects in natural science or social science exams suitable for the university and college admission combination.
In the 5 exams, only the literature exam is in essay form, the remaining exams are in objective multiple choice form.
The Ministry also clearly defines the responsibilities of candidates during the exam. In addition to the regulations on items that candidates are allowed to bring into the exam room to serve the purpose of taking the exam, the new point is to add specific regulations on items that candidates are prohibited from bringing into the exam room. Regulations for candidates who only take 1 or 2 subjects in the combined exam (independent candidates).
Exam questions and answers that have not been made public are classified as "top secret" state secrets.
In terms of professional expertise in exam preparation, additional requirements for the exam preparation, printing, and marking areas during the exam are added. In particular, clarify the period of protection of State secrets for exam papers so that candidates and parties involved in the exam organization process are fully aware and do not violate the State secret regulations. Specific regulations are made in the regulations of the rounds of the exam preparation, printing, marking areas and the tasks of the rounds to ensure compliance with the implementation process of individuals and units participating in the exam organization.
Candidates taking the 2024 high school graduation exam should pay special attention to the items that are "prohibited from being brought into the exam room", including: Carbon paper, erasers, alcoholic beverages; weapons and explosives, flammable substances; documents, communication devices or information storage devices that can be used to cheat during the exam and the grading process.
Candidates should take special note that before taking the exam, candidates must fully write their registration number and information on the exam paper, exam paper, multiple-choice answer sheet, scratch paper, etc.
The exam questions and answers that have not been made public are in the list of "top secret" state secrets. Additional information on the protection period for top secret protection: The protection period for "top secret" state secrets for exam questions of exams/subjects only ends when the test time for multiple-choice exams/subjects ends and two-thirds of the test time for essay exams ends.
The exam is expected to take place in the last week of June 2024. The Ministry has made adjustments to ensure time for candidates to apply to universities and colleges after knowing their graduation exam scores.
In addition, there are also some other major technical changes in the exam boards, exam supervisors, and exam grading boards, or the inclusion of content from the annual exam organization guidelines into the regulations to ensure greater consistency in implementation during the exam organization process.