
High school graduation exam from 2025 will have two new multiple choice question formats

According to Vietnam+ December 29, 2023 15:07

The Ministry of Education and Training has just officially announced the exam format structure of the high school graduation exam from 2025.

Thí sinh dự thi Tốt nghiệp Trung học Phổ thông. (Ảnh: Bích Huệ/TTXVN)
Candidates for high school graduation exam

Accordingly, the ministry has built the exam structure of 17 subjects, including: literature, math, foreign languages ​​(English, Russian, French, German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese), chemistry, physics, biology, history, geography, economic and legal education, information technology, technology (industrial technology and agricultural technology).

The structure of the test format is oriented towards competency assessment, in line with the 2018 General Education Program and is shown through the illustrative test, the accompanying competency table - thinking level. Accordingly, learners will know how many parts the test consists of, what types of multiple choice questions there are, and which (components) competencies are assessed in the illustrative test.

Specifically, for multiple-choice exams, there are a maximum of 3 types of multiple-choice exam questions used in the exam:

Form 1:Multiple choice questions (this format has been used for many years in Vietnam). According to the exam format from 2025, foreign language subjects will only use this format. The remaining multiple choice subjects have a part using this format.

Form 2:Multiple choice questions in True/False format, each question has 4 ideas, candidates must answer True/False for each idea of ​​the question. This format requires candidates to have comprehensive capacity, knowledge and skills to achieve maximum score, limiting the use of "tricks" to choose answers from noisy options like in multiple choice test format. The probability of randomly scoring the maximum score is 1/16, 4 times smaller than the current multiple choice test format.

Form 3:Short answer multiple choice questions. This format is similar to the essay question format, and is evaluated through the final result that the candidate must fill in on the answer sheet. This format requires candidates to have solid abilities, knowledge and skills, and limits the use of "tricks" to choose answers from confusing options like in multiple choice tests.

Two new test formats, through practical testing, have been shown to be suitable for designing exams in the direction of assessing capacity, while improving the ability to classify candidates.

The Ministry of Education and Training will also change the number of questions/questions for multiple-choice exams. According to the exam format structure, the exam time for each subject is: Literature 120 minutes; Math 90 minutes; Other subjects 50 minutes. The number of questions for each multiple-choice exam is specifically as follows:

Also according to the representative, the Ministry of Education and Training, to ensure compliance with the purpose and requirements of the exam, the number of questions/questions for each exam as well as some related issues can be adjusted when developing the exam for the high school graduation exam from 2025.

The 2025 high school graduation exam is the 12th grade graduation exam for the first batch of students studying under the new 2018 general education program. According to the Ministry of Education and Training, in 2025, the exam will still be held on paper for all subjects. However, according to the roadmap, the ministry will gradually switch from multiple-choice exams to computer-based exams in areas with favorable conditions and gradually expand nationwide.

According to Vietnam+
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High school graduation exam from 2025 will have two new multiple choice question formats