
A series of airlines stopped flying over Israel and Iran.

TB (according to Tuoi Tre) April 14, 2024 15:46

Immediately after Iran attacked Israel with drones and missiles, a series of airlines around the world stopped flying over this hot spot.

Bản đồ các chuyến bay cho thấy rất nhiều máy bay đã đổi lộ trình hoặc hủy chuyến để tránh không phận Iran và Israel sáng 14-4 - Ảnh: FLIGHT RADAR 24
Flight maps show that many planes changed routes or canceled flights to avoid Iranian and Israeli airspace on the morning of April 14.

According to Reuters news agency, Kuwait Airways announced to divert all flights to and from the tense area in the Middle East, due to the unstable security situation on the morning of April 14.

United Airlines of the US announced the cancellation of a flight from Newark (New Jersey) to Tel Aviv (Israel) on April 13 (local time) due to chaos in Israeli airspace.

Australian national airline Qantas also adjusted the flight path of flights between Perth (Australia) and London (UK) due to security concerns when flying over the Middle East, according to the Telegraph newspaper.

Israeli officials announced the closure of airspace for safety reasons on the night of April 13, when Iran began airstrikes in the area. However, by 7:30 a.m. on April 14 (local time), the Israeli airport authority reopened the airspace.

Previously, on April 12, German national airline Lufthansa Airlines extended the suspension of flights to and from the capital Tehran (Iran), and the airline will not fly into Iranian airspace until April 18.

Also on April 12, Austrian national airline Austrian Airlines also announced the suspension of flights to Tehran until April 18 due to concerns about escalating tensions in the Middle East.

Lufthansa Airlines and Austrian Airlines are the only two Western airlines with direct flights to Tehran.

The US and other countries in the Middle East have been on high alert for Iranian retaliation since the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, on April 1.

TB (according to Tuoi Tre)
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A series of airlines stopped flying over Israel and Iran.