In the first time doctors from the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases examined and treated liver disease in Hai Duong, 352 people came for examination and treatment.
On November 17, at Hai Duong Tropical Diseases Hospital, leading doctors from the Central Tropical Diseases Hospital examined and treated liver diseases for patients and people in the province.
This is the first time the provincial liver hospital has coordinated with the central level to organize examination and treatment of liver diseases right at the provincial level.
In the first time of organization, Hai Duong Tropical Diseases Hospital received 352 cases for examination and treatment. Of these, 182 people were previously diagnosed with hepatitis virus infection.
Doctors from the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases directly examined, consulted, diagnosed and ordered specialized tests to evaluate treatment results and detect liver cancer early. Thereby, 1 case was detected that required emergency hospitalization. The remaining cases are waiting for specialized test results to advise and guide appropriate treatment.
Hai Duong Tropical Diseases Hospital has signed a contract to coordinate examination and treatment of liver diseases until the end of 2025.
After this first phase, the hospital will evaluate the effectiveness of the coordination and develop a suitable medical examination and treatment plan to meet the needs of the people.
The cooperation with the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases will create favorable conditions for people to receive medical examination and treatment, without having to transfer, travel far, wait, etc. At the same time, it will support and contribute to improving the professional skills of the provincial medical staff.