
Strangely, the world's smallest national border is only 85 meters long.

HA (according to Vietnam+) April 3, 2024 09:45

At just 85 metres long, Penon de Velez de la Gomera is a tiny Spanish enclave on the coast of Morocco that holds the title of the world's smallest national border.

Với chiều dài chỉ 85m, Penon de Velez de la Gomera là biên giới nhỏ nhất thế giới. (Nguồn: odditycentral)
At just 85m long, Penon de Velez de la Gomera is the smallest border in the world.

Penon de Velez de la Gomera is a tiny Spanish territory located on the coast of Morocco, holding the title of the world's smallest national border, measuring just 85 metres long.

Spain has nearly 2,000km of land borders with Portugal and France, but it also has much smaller borders with countries such as Andorra, the United Kingdom (Gibraltar) and Morocco.

Morocco and Spain share the world's smallest land border, an 85-meter strip of land connecting a rock measuring about 19,000 square meters to the Moroccan coast.

Interestingly, this barren rock was once an island until 1934 when an earthquake created a small isthmus and turned the island into a peninsula. This land border is officially recognized as the smallest in the world.

Penon de Velez de la Gomer became Spanish territory in 1564 when it was conquered by Admiral Pedro de Estopinan.

Penon de Velez de la Gomer is currently inhabited solely by Spanish military personnel responsible for surveillance and defense. The soldiers are rotated monthly and live in modest facilities, without running water or electricity. They rely mainly on supplies from Spanish Navy ships.

HA (according to Vietnam+)
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Strangely, the world's smallest national border is only 85 meters long.