The People's Committee of Hai Duong province has just issued a plan to conduct land inventory and map the current land use status in the province, with data calculated as of December 31, 2024.
The land inventory and mapping of current land use status in 2024 will be organized and implemented throughout the province. Commune level will directly conduct land inventory and map current land use status as a basis for synthesizing land inventory results and mapping of current land use status of district and provincial levels.
The subjects of land inventory and mapping of current land use status in 2024 include: determining the total area of land types, area structure by land type, users, subjects assigned to manage land; land area assigned, leased, and changed land use purposes. At the same time, during this land inventory period, an assessment will be made of the management and use of golf course land; landslide and accretion areas (if any); land originating from agricultural and forestry farms and other topics as a basis for implementing measures to strengthen management and improve land use efficiency.
The time for conducting land inventory and mapping the current land use status in 2024 will be implemented uniformly throughout the province from August 1, 2024. Land inventory data in 2024 will be calculated until December 31, 2024.
Commune-level People's Committees shall complete and submit the results of land inventory to district-level People's Committees before March 31, 2025. District-level People's Committees shall complete and submit the results of land inventory to provincial-level People's Committees before May 15, 2025. Provincial-level People's Committees shall complete and submit the results of land inventory to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment before June 30, 2025.
Land inventory and mapping of current land use status aim to assess the current status of land management, land use and land fluctuations of each administrative unit at commune and district levels and across the province in the period of 2020-2024; the implementation of the 5-year land use plan at district and provincial levels.
Based on the results of land inventory and mapping of current land use status in 2024, propose measures to strengthen state management of land and improve land use efficiency; as a basis for the establishment and adjustment of land use planning and plans at all levels for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, and as an important basis for implementing the socio-economic development strategy, national defense and security to 2030, with a vision to 2045.
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