Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee recommends a minimum housing area of 8m2 floor/person to be able to register permanent residence at a legal place of residence due to renting, borrowing, or staying with someone else.
The above information is stated in the report of the Provincial People's Committee regulating the minimum housing area to be registered for permanent residence at legal accommodation rented, borrowed, or stayed at in Hai Duong province, presented at the 5th Session of the Provincial People's Council.
According to the Provincial People's Committee, this regulation is consistent with the 2020 Law on Residence and current reality for citizens permanently residing in the province in rented, borrowed, or shared houses; does not affect the right to freedom of residence for those who have registered permanent residence in the province before the Law on Residence takes effect, as well as after the resolution is issued; does not create administrative procedures, does not create costs for renting, borrowing houses or renovating houses to have a larger area for renting, borrowing, or sharing; ensures necessary and favorable living conditions for people, especially workers, migrant workers, etc. residing in boarding houses around industrial parks, clusters, and company dormitories.
The 2020 Law on Residence stipulates that the People's Councils of provinces and centrally run cities shall decide on the minimum average housing area of not less than 8 square meters of floor space per person as a condition for permanent residence registration at legal rented, borrowed, or shared accommodation to ensure necessary living conditions for people, in accordance with the requirements of residence management and the social security situation and policies in the area. This is also a tool for provinces and centrally run cities to regulate population distribution by determining the conditions for permanent residence registration in each locality...