Since the beginning of the term, the Party Committee of Dong Lac commune, Nam Sach district (Hai Duong) has admitted 24 new party members.
Dong Lac Commune Party Committee held a mid-term review for the 2020-2025 term. Photo: Kim Anh
After half a term, the Party Committee of Dong Lac commune (Nam Sach) has admitted 24 new party members, exceeding the target assigned by superiors and double the target of the Party Congress Resolution of the commune (admitting 4 or more party members each year).
This result is due to the leadership and direction of the Dong Lac Commune Party Committee in doing a good job of creating sources for developing Party members. The Commune Party Committee directed Party cells to seriously grasp and implement the Party's directives and resolutions on developing Party members. Party cells and socio-political organizations paid attention to discovering, nurturing and training outstanding masses and members; promptly helping to complete procedures for considering Party admission when qualified...