With the support and training policy just approved by the Hai Duong Provincial People's Council, the force participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level has more motivation to improve operational efficiency.
The People's Council of Hai Duong province has issued Resolution No. 30/2024/NQ-HDND dated December 11, 2024 stipulating the level of support and compensation for members of the Security and Order Protection Team in Hai Duong province (See the resolution here).
Accordingly, 100% of the household health insurance premium will be supported for the first person participating in health insurance; 30% of the monthly voluntary social insurance premium will be supported according to the poverty line for rural areas from time to time as prescribed by the Prime Minister, in addition to the voluntary social insurance premium support level prescribed in Point c, Clause 1, Article 14 of Decree No. 134/2015/ND-CP dated December 29, 2015 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Social Insurance on voluntary social insurance.
Regarding the level of support for members of this force who have not participated in social insurance and have an accident, during the treatment period, they will receive daily food allowance, including in case of recurrence of the injury until their health is stable and they are discharged from the hospital, which is 70,200 VND/day.
In case of accident leading to death, relatives will receive a death benefit of 53,640,000 VND; the person in charge of the funeral will receive a funeral expense of 14,900,000 VND.
Participants in the above force when on duty from 10pm the previous day to 6am the following morning; on holidays; when performing heavy, toxic, dangerous or especially heavy, toxic, dangerous work according to the provisions of the law on labor... are compensated 50,000 VND/person/day, but not more than 7 days in a month.
The force participating in ensuring security and order at the grassroots level of Hai Duong was launched on July 1, 2024, currently has 1,341 teams with 4,235 members. Since its inception, the force has had many achievements, contributing significantly to maintaining security and order at the grassroots level.