Administrative reform

Regime for lower-ranking or grassroots positions when streamlining the apparatus

SNOW WIND January 15, 2025 13:33

When streamlining the apparatus, people who leave their positions, are appointed to lower leadership or management positions, or are promoted to work at the grassroots level and enjoy many policies.


Officials, civil servants and public employees assigned to work at Party and State agencies and socio-political organizations at the commune level will receive a one-time allowance equal to 10 months of basic salary at the time of taking up the job. In the photo: Civil servant of Quoc Tuan commune (Nam Sach)

Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP on policies and regimes for cadres, civil servants, public employees, workers and armed forces in the implementation of organizational restructuring of the political system stipulates policies for cadres, civil servants, public employees, leaders and managers who cease to hold leadership and management positions or are elected or appointed to lower leadership and management positions due to organizational restructuring.

Accordingly, cadres, civil servants, and public employees who are leaders or managers and who are no longer in leadership or management positions or are elected or appointed to lower leadership or management positions due to organizational restructuring will have their old salary or leadership position allowance retained until the end of the election term or appointment term.

In case of holding a leadership or management position according to an elected term or appointment term of less than 6 months, the position will be reserved for 6 months.

Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP also stipulates policies for cadres, civil servants and public employees in central and local agencies who are assigned by competent authorities to work on a 3-year basis at the grassroots level.

In particular, cadres, civil servants and public employees assigned to work at Party and State agencies and socio-political organizations at the commune level will continue to receive their salaries (including salary allowances) according to their job positions before being sent by the agency, organization or unit; a one-time allowance equal to 10 months of basic salary at the time of receiving the job.

In case the unit works in an area with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions, it will enjoy the policies and regimes prescribed in Decree No. 76/2019/ND-CP dated October 18, 2019 of the Government on policies for cadres, civil servants, public employees, workers and salaried people in the armed forces working in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions (not enjoying the allowance prescribed in Point b of this Clause).

After cadres, civil servants and public employees have successfully completed their tasks at the grassroots level, they will be accepted back to the agency, organization or unit where they were sent or will be assigned a suitable job by the competent authority, not lower than the position they held before they were sent to the grassroots level. At the same time, they will be given a salary increase of one level (the time to hold the new salary level is calculated according to the time to hold the old salary level) if they have not yet been assigned the final salary level in the grade or position and will be considered for rewards by the ministry, department, branch and province according to the provisions of the Law on Emulation and Commendation.

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Regime for lower-ranking or grassroots positions when streamlining the apparatus