
Warning that human immunity is low, increasing the risk of avian flu pandemic

TN (according to News) April 4, 2024 05:50

On April 3, the European Union Food Safety Authority (EFSA) warned of a large-scale bird flu pandemic if the virus gains the ability to be transmitted from person to person, due to humans' lack of immunity to such a virus.

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Guinea fowl are raised at a farm in Les Herbiers, western France. Photo: AFP/TTXVN

The number of bird flu outbreaks this season has decreased, but the disease has spread geographically, reaching Antarctica and infecting an increasing number of mammals, raising the risk that the disease will become a greater threat to humans, the EFSA report said.

To date, there has been no record of human-to-human transmission of avian influenza viruses, and cases of avian influenza infection from infected animals to humans are rare. However, these viruses continue to evolve globally, and with the migration of wild birds, new strains of the virus with potential mutations that could be harmful to mammals could emerge. If the A-H5N1 virus mutates to become highly transmissible among humans, a scenario of large-scale transmission could occur due to lack of immunity to this mutant virus.

The warning was issued after the US state of Texas announced that it had detected the H5N1 bird flu virus in a person who had contact with a dairy cow believed to be infected with the virus.

The spread of avian influenza is a concern for governments and the poultry industry because the disease is devastating to poultry flocks and poses a risk of transmission to humans.

In its latest report, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that there were about 887 people infected with H5N1 bird flu globally from January 2003 to February 26, 2024. Of these, 462 died, accounting for 52%. Most of the cases in humans were found to have been in contact with sick or dead poultry, or visited live poultry markets or were exposed to environments containing the pathogen.

TN (according to News)
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Warning that human immunity is low, increasing the risk of avian flu pandemic