
Issuing a set of statistical indicators for sustainable development of Vietnam

TB (summary) January 9, 2025 20:45

The Ministry of Planning and Investment has just issued a circular stipulating a set of statistical indicators to provide data to assess the implementation of Vietnam's sustainable development goals.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment has just issued Circular No. 02/2025/TT-BKHĐT regulating the set of statistical indicators for sustainable development of Vietnam.

According to the circular, this is a set of statistical indicators related to many sectors, fields, and regional linkages to provide data to assess the implementation of Vietnam's sustainable development goals.

The list of sustainable development statistical indicators of Vietnam includes 145 statistical indicators, reflecting 17 sustainable development goals of Vietnam, including ending all forms of poverty everywhere; ending hunger, ensuring food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture; ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages; ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all; achieving gender equality, empowering and creating opportunities for women and girls; ensuring availability and sustainable management of water resources and sanitation for all; ensuring access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for all; ensuring sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, enhance innovation; reduce social inequality; develop sustainable and resilient urban and rural areas, ensure safe living and working environments, and rationally distribute population and labor by region; ensure sustainable production and consumption models, respond promptly and effectively to climate change and natural disasters; conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development; protect and develop sustainable forests, conserve biodiversity, develop ecosystem services, combat desertification, prevent degradation and restore land resources; promote peaceful, equitable and equitable societies for sustainable development, create access to justice for all, build effective, accountable and participatory institutions at all levels; strengthen implementation methods and promote a global partnership for sustainable development.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office) presides over and coordinates with relevant agencies to collect and synthesize statistical information under the set of sustainable development statistical indicators of Vietnam to ensure the provision of complete, accurate, timely statistical data and meet international comparison requirements; build a database of sustainable development statistics of Vietnam and disseminate statistical information on sustainable development statistical indicators of Vietnam.

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government agencies, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy and relevant agencies, based on the set of sustainable development statistical indicators of Vietnam, are responsible for collecting, synthesizing, compiling assigned indicators and providing them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office) for general synthesis.

This Circular takes effect from March 10, 2025.

TB (summary)
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Issuing a set of statistical indicators for sustainable development of Vietnam